A Secret Garden made for Love

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Draco had just finished breakfast with Harry at the Gryffindor table and got up to leave for Herbology. He felt Harry's shoulder on his and looked over to see Harry walking side-by-side with him. He linked hands with Harry, gave him a kiss on the cheek, and walked to Herbology with him. His boyfriend really was gorgeous, like a lonely rose resting inside a garden filled with daffodils. So beautiful and pristine. It was a lot of work to even take his eyes off Harry.

Harry smiled at his boyfriend and he pulled him closer a little. A moment of silence crept over the boys as they walked to class. "Let's hurry," he said and started walking a little faster with Draco in tow. He doesn't exactly want detention. "I don't want us to be late."

As soon as the boys got to Herbology, they found a spot around the large table beside each other. What they wanted was for the class to hurry up and end so they can go find Ivy to make sure she is okay.

"Good morning, my lovelies," said Professor Sprout in her regular happy tone. "Today I'll be teaching you about the Leaping Toadstool. You'll all be repotting them, actually. So get your books out to page 201 and start reading!"

The sounds of books being placed on a wooden table, and pages being opened echoed through the room. Harry felt like someone was watching him and he expected it to be Draco but when he looks beside him at his boyfriend Draco was already reading about Leaping Toadstools. He looked around the table and that's when he spots Ron looking at him. He gives him a little smile, which his dormmate gives him back.

Draco had two people he had to watch out for. Ivy and Harry. Ever since finding those cuts on Harry's arm, he has been so worried. He is always hoping Harry is okay, someplace safe, away from sharp objects and around from people who could hurt him. Harry really is a sweetheart. He is so happy to have Harry in his life. Even if his boyfriend suffers from something, which he does hope he will let spill soon.

Through the first 10 minutes of the class, Draco couldn't help but glance at Harry a few times. He knew Harry was glancing back at him and he liked it. No, he loved it. At times, they would even stare into each other's eyes, admiring the beauty of them.

Harry leaned closer to Draco as he couldn't help it. Every time those silver eyes look into his green ones, his heartbeat would pick up rate and he would feel a little dizzy. Not the bad kind of dizzy. The good dizzy. He was dizzy in love. His hands slid around Draco's waist, and as he sees a lovely gleam in Draco's eyes, he closes his eyes and leans in for a kiss.

Draco smiles lovingly at him, wanting that kiss more than anything. He only gives him a little peck as he and Harry aren't alone in a room somewhere in Hogwarts. "Harry," he whispers and brings his hand up to cup Harry's cheek. "We can do this after class." Harry frowned and looked down at his classwork he had to do, and Draco frowned with him and got back to repotting the Leaping Toadstools.

Harry and Draco looked back at each other and smiled. They couldn't help it. They moved back closer to each other, Draco grabbed Harry's waist and dipped him over the table, kissing him gently and carefully, and Harry's arms came up and wrapped around Draco's neck. It was the kind of kiss that steals your breath away but gives it back. It definitely took their breath away. Everything around them became oddly quiet but they didn't mind. Not really.

Harry could feel Draco's blonde fringe lightly tickling his forehead, and he could feel the Slytherin's crotch touching his own. He smiled against his boyfriend's lips, and one of his hands crept up the back of Draco's neck and up through the Slytherin's hair.

Hermione and Pansy were giggling at the two making out in the greenhouse in front of everyone, and Seamus and Dean joined in with Harry and Draco by kissing each other besides Neville. Theodore was leaning on the table and rubbing at his chin like he's in thought as he watched Draco and Harry kissing. Gregory and Vincent just stared blankly at the couple snogging over the table.

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