Meetings with a Star

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Draco met Harry outside 12 Grimmauld Place, and found him with Sirius' motorbike on the sidewalk, two black helmets placed on the black leather seats and a small picnic basket the size of an apple that had an obvious shrinking charm on it, was inside the open glove box. Oh, so a picnic? It sounds lovely.

Draco walks over with a small excited smile at what Harry has planned. He cups Harry's chin with his hand and kisses him as a thank you for this future picnic and wherever Harry's taking him in this vehicle. He leans away after a beat, eyes shiny with exhilaration. "So, where are we heading today?" he asks Harry quietly, but then steps back and examines the motorbike which he'll be on in a short while.

"It's a surprise," Harry whispered with a grin, and Draco rolls his eyes at the short answer and grabs a motorbike helmet. He has never worn such an odd hat, though he knows it is supposed to protect his head if he falls off, which he hopes he won't fall off such a vehicle. He is trusting Harry with his life right now.

"Then let's go," Draco says, trying to find out how to put the helmet on. He ended up trying to put it on backwards where it obviously didn't fit, and Harry sniggered at him and put Draco's helmet on properly. Draco blushed a little and turned to the bike when Harry clipped on his helmet.

After a firm description of what he should and shouldn't do when on the motorbike, Draco got onto the vehicle behind Harry and placed his arms around Harry's stomach. Harry clipped his own helmet on, shut the glove box, and started the engine with the keys. The Motorbike clicked and made a loud Brr sound, and it startled Draco a little but he kept to his seat.

Harry flipped the stand up, walked the motorbike around, and took off down the road, his feet resting on the sides, and he feels Draco's arms tightening around his stomach. Harry kept watch of the speed limit and the road signs as they sped down the streets of East London. He knows well that road signs are important, even for muggles.

Draco felt the air around him push against him slightly when rolling down the street. It was like he was flying on a broom or on Buckbeak. He quite enjoyed it too. He could see people on the sidewalks, jogging for whatever reason they were, people walking their dogs. It was interesting to view the muggle world with Harry like this.

Harry stopped at a red light, they were surrounded by cars and behind a few on the A1 highway. He has seen motorcyclists swivel in between cars to get to the front of the line, but he knew not to do that as it is quite dangerous.

Draco looks around them, his vision dimmed by the black lens of the helmet. So, these are what cars look like? Odd metal-covered things on wheels with glass windows. There was a middle-aged man in a black car on his phone, but it looked a little different to Ivy's phone she had. There was a family of four in a long grey car, one of their kids is a little girl who looked around five with blonde pigtails and was playing with what looked like a blue pony with a rainbow mane, and the other was an older teenage girl around 13 on her pink shiny phone. Do Muggles believe horses are blue? Unbelievable!

They headed out of the city into the country, the big buildings slowly disappearing from around them and being replaced by trees, bushland, and farmland. Harry doesn't realize he is taking Draco to his hometown, Little Winging. But he doesn't exactly want to go there. There are just too many bad memories. But he decides to face his fears anyway.

He turns off the motorbike outside the house of 4 Privet Drive, takes his helmet off with a sigh and looks at the house he never once called home. The lawns were kept neat like always, though it used to be yard work for him to do as his chores. Behind him, he heard Draco taking off his own helmet and his soothing voice muttering, "Harry, where are we?"

"4 Privet Drive," Harry tells him flatly, though his eyes never leave the window that was once his bedroom. "Used to be my home."

"Why are we here then?" Draco asks, voice low and firm as he tries to hide his concern. He feels enraged even by looking at the house. He just wants to Bombarda the door down and curse these muggles with a Crucio to make them feel pain and suffering like what they inflicted on Harry for the past 15 years. But he calmed himself down before he even does something stupid. "This is where you lived, where you grew up treated terribly." His hands rubbed at Harry's arms, hoping it'll help Harry if he starts feeling down. "I don't want you reliving horrible memories from your past.

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