Broken, but in Love

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Harry woke to the sound of shuffling and yawns from around him. He yawned himself and opened his eyes to come face to face with a sleeping Draco, something he likes to see a lot. He smiled at his boyfriend and softly ran a finger down his delicate face. When he saw Draco stir in his sleep, he drew his finger back and placed his hand back on the pillow. He watched as the Slytherin slept and how peaceful he looks. He wondered what Draco was dreaming of, that is, if he was dreaming. So, he just lay there, his eyes suddenly closing, waiting until Draco awakes.

As soon as a couple of minutes were up, Harry felt Draco inhale deeply and move a little. He opened his eyes and met with silver pools with a hint of blue in them. He smiled, pushed a strand of Draco's hair away from his eyes with his finger. "Good morning, beautiful," he said tiredly and gave Draco a surprise long morning kiss.

Draco lazily smiled and kissed back, loving this morning already. "Morning gorgeous," he mumbled tiredly, nibbling on Harry's bottom lip. Harry then chuckled and sat up with his elbow supporting his weight. Draco realized it's still the weekend, so he closed his eyes, sighing his tiredness away and pulled Harry closer to him.

They stay like that for a few more minutes until the drapes around Harry's bed open up like someone had just opened them. But Harry and Draco knew they were cast open by magic, and Ron Weasley and Neville Longbottom appeared at the end of the bed with tired smiles on their faces. The light of the sun immediately shone through Harry's bed and onto the faces of Harry and Draco. The Slytherin groaned and turned over, stuffing his face in Harry's neck, smiling with relief as it blocked out the sun and the best part was being able to smell Harry.

Ron and Neville sigh, knowing they weren't going to be able to get the boys out of bed. They would have jumped on Harry's bed, usually accompanied by Seamus and Dean, to wake up Harry but since Draco was there they forbid themselves to do it. When they walked away and out of the dormitory, Draco managed to push himself up off the pillows, knowing he won't be able to sleep much longer with the sunlight shining on him. He blinked a few times and looked down at his boyfriend whose eyes were shut closed, breathing was slow and relaxed and appeared to be sleeping. How could he be sleeping when the sun's shining down on him, making his honey-coloured skin almost shimmer. "C'mon sleepy head. Let's get up."

"Fine," Harry muttered and fluttered his eyes open, staring amusingly up at Draco like he's the most beautiful species in the world. Which he actually is to Harry. He didn't want to get up. He just wanted to spend the rest of the day in bed with Draco.

Draco stretched out his arms and yawned as he moved his legs over the bedside onto the cool wooden floorboards of the boy's dormitory in Gryffindor Tower. He had a very good sleep to catch up on the one hour of sleep he missed out on last night.

Harry sluggishly got up and got dressed. He knew his dormmates all knew about his depression, there is no use hiding it now as he gets dressed under the watchful eyes of Dean and Seamus. As soon as he took off his pyjama shirt, he hears gasps coming from Dean and Seamus, but they look away once he looks their way.

He quickly pulled on a long-sleeved grey shirt and black jumper, feeling a little self-depreciated about himself. He looked over to Draco who gave him a small comforting smile and Harry returned the smile, seeing Draco still in his green silk pyjamas. "Can't you accio your clothes here?"

"No," Draco said, shaking his head and he walked over to Harry and snaked his arms around his waist, holding him dearly in his arms. Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's neck, he chuckled adoringly when Draco leaned in and rubbed his nose against his cheek. "I'm starving!" he then said as his stomach rumbled and agreed with him. He looked at the open door out of the dormitory.

"Well then, let's get something to eat," Draco said and nuzzled Harry's nose with his own. "But of course, after I'm dressed. I'll meet you down in the Great Hall." And so, Draco left after giving Harry a quick but loving kiss and headed out through the secret entrance from Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Harry grabbed his wand from his bedside table, dropped it in his robe pocket and headed out of his dormitory, only to bump into Ivy Black.

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