The Endgame of the Hogwarts Massacre

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In the Room of Requirement.

Halloween Night.

6:00 pm.

The Room of Requirement, once the large white wooden doors opened up, would lead down to a colourful Funhouse with a giant clown face. Harry named this, because of the thriller movie, Funhouse Massacre. This place is where everyone will lead the Pure-bloods and the rest of the Half-bloods who know nothing about the muggle culture, only to be frightened even more after The Chase.

"Is everyone ready?" Harry counted about 49 students altogether out of the thousands who are wearing different costumes. Some were just dressed in their school clothes as they wanted to be hunted with their pure-blooded friends. They didn't tell them about the prank though as they were mostly there for the acting. They were going to have a couple of muggle-born students, as killers, chase after the muggle-born students just wearing normal clothes and pretend to kill them in front of everyone.

Dean's costume was frightening as hell! He's dressed as Ghostface. Then there's Hermione's terrifying costume. Well, it was a little scary. She was dressed as a dead bloody bride, with a black wig, of course.

He saw a Jeepers Creepers, Jason Vorhees, Annabelle but complete with an Annabelle doll. The Grudge. Oh, he'll never forget the children who were dressed as 'The children of the corn'. What a horrendous movie that was.

Kurt Wellow, a muggle-born Ravenclaw with blonde sandy spiky hair, had a literal Jigsaw doll on a tricycle, but then they wore that pig-faced costume and that just scared most of the students inside the room. That has got to go into the corridors at some point during the night as well as The Headless Horseman, Michael Myers, Pennywise, Chucky, Jack Torrance, Purge killers, Samara, The Nun and Leatherface. Just all the best and most popular serial killers he could see in the same room as him. Merlin, will he actually survive this?

"Everyone, please hand me your wands," said Professor McGonagall, dressed as a dead Librarian who is supposed to piss off the Hogwarts librarian, Irma Pince. It did, indeed, do its job.

Everyone in the room, except Harry as he had his own weapons on him and his wand was in his pocket, stood in front of the Headmistress in a semicircle, pointing their wands at her.

McGonagall performed a non-verbal spell on everyone's wand, turning them into knives, swords, a golden ring, a chainsaw, and machetes. It was all a part of the prank and they could still cast spells, even if their wands were weapons. When she was finished, her pupils all studied their weapons with sinister smiles.

"Finished!" The girl with long black straight hair, blood tears coming from her eyes with black eye sockets, wearing a vintage white dress walked out of the Fun house's clown mouth entrance and stood forward out of the crowd. Harry had to blink a couple of times and remember this was only makeup. Damn though. She looked like Bloody Mary from head to toe.

"Firstly, you all look amazing!" said Harry, dressed as Freddie Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street and his voice, because of a simple voice spell which lets him sound like anybody and can adjust how deep or high his voice is, sounds exactly like Freddie Krueger. He just calls it a Voice Modulator spell. It took a while to get this costume as he had a little help from Hermione, but he got it just in time.

"You do as well, Harry," said Hermione sweetly, walking up to him and giving him a quick side hug. She was a little nerved that she had to prank Ron, and kill Seamus and Neville in front of him, but after all, it was a prank. "Best Freddie costume I've ever seen, to be honest."

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