Romance in Hogwarts

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Harry woke with a groan and sluggishly sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and wishing he had more sleep. He woke up three times last night all because of the same recurring nightmare and he couldn't fall back asleep for hours. It sucked so much because he wanted an actual good night sleep. The only decent amount of sleep he gets is with Draco and sleeping with him.

Hearing no noise but the snores of his dormmates, he decided to just lay in his bed with the blankets up to his chest to keep himself warm and toasty. Over time, he cast a few "Tempus" to check the time until he finally hears a movement in the room such as giggles, sheets moving, and mattresses dipping meaning that someone was sitting on someone else's mattress.

Harry pushes the side drape aside and climbs out of bed. His ears suddenly hear soft moaning, and he looks to the other side of the room at Seamus' bed. He raised an eyebrow and sees movement on his side of the room. He looks to his side and sees Neville just staring at Seamus' bed, his nose wrinkled a little.

Harry then sees a few pink, white, and red gifts on Dean's bed including a bunch of red and white roses wrapped in a pink ribbon. There is a cluster of roses on Seamus' bedside table and what looks like a bunch of chocolate boxes. Then it hits him. It's Valentine's day.

Still a little dazed and tired from his restless night, he manages to get dressed into black joggers and a dark green button-down shirt and search his trunk for his presents to give Draco. He wanted to surprise Draco by showing up at the Slytherin common room before breakfast and give him the presents he got for him. He casts one last "Tempus" seeing as it was six twenty-five in the morning.

"What have you got there, Harry?" Neville asked as he sees the long and thin brown rectangular glossy woodgrain display case that looks like a wand box and it has a gold lock. Not only that, but there was a whole white basket full of little red hexagonal box gifts with brown lids.

"The boxes have sweets, candies, and little messages in them," said Harry a little quietly so he doesn't interrupt Seamus and Dean from their fun under the covers of Seamus' bedsheets. He puts the basket of red boxes down onto his bed and faced Neville with the rectangular display case. He opened the display case by the latch and watches as Neville's eyes widen. He smiled a little and shut the case back up. "I'm going to find Draco."

He grabs the basket from on his bed and immediately makes his way down to the common room. The first person he sees is Hermione who to his confusing was holding a sparkling purple pencil. He didn't even see all Valentine's day decorations around the room. In fact, a few Gryffindors in all age ranges had different coloured pencils and more were spread throughout the common room on desks, chairs, sofas, even on the floor. Some pencils were sparkly and some bendy. "Hermione, happy Valentines day," he said while forcing a smile. "Why are these muggle pencils everywhere?"

Hermione looked over at her best friend and smiled as she walked over to him, noticing the presents in his arms. "Happy Valentines Day to you too," she said sweetly. "I'm sure you know Elton and his buddies. All Muggleborns just like me. He and Nikola are selling pencils to everyone for some reason. They started yesterday and even the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws brought a few. I don't know what their aim is in doing this but since they're older I just leave them to do their thing."

Harry just nods at what she says. He really didn't care about pencils right now as he wanted to see Draco and give the gifts to him. He just hoped the Slytherin liked what he got. "That's nice but I'm going to hurry off to find Draco," he said and took a quick step back. "I'm dying to see his reaction when I show him the gifts that I got him. Goodbye, Hermione!" He was off and out of the common room before Hermione could say anything back to him.

Carrying the gifts in his arms, he rushed down to the Slytherin common room entrance. He didn't know the password which he knew he should have asked Draco for. Luckily enough, he spotted a few Slytherin's casually walking out of the dungeons and up to the first floor of the castle. He just waited at the entrance to the Slytherin common room peacefully until the next two or three Slytherins emerged from the hidden entrance.

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