The Yule Ball

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Harry woke up with a groan, wanting to go back to sleep but knew Ron would wake him up anyway. He sluggishly pushed the blankets off him and got dressed for the day in one of the new long-sleeved button-up shirts, his regular black hoodie, and some of the new jeans. It has been hard trying to get out of bed since Christmas, but he manages to do so. And ever since then, he's been hanging out with Ivy and Draco while Blaise and Ron hangout together wherever they meet up at.

He has a feeling Draco's getting suspicious of his behaviour and really, he does not care. All Harry does is put on a fake smile and act happy. But that all changed when Draco asked Harry to meet him at the Willow Tree by Lunchtime that day which was two days after Christmas.

Harry was just walking to the Willow tree from the Herbology greenhouses and he pushed his way through the elongated branches. Right as he came through the leaves, he was blindfolded by two hands and he felt warm lips on his cheeks which sent warmth all through his body. It was Draco as he could tell from the citrus scent that filled his nostrils, but he also smelt fresh food from nearby. "Draco..."

"Yes, it is I," Draco said while smiling and guided Harry a few steps forward until he removed his hands from Harry's eyes and showed him what he had planned for them. He kisses Harry's cheek again, grabs his hand and leads him to the green, black, and white checkered blanket with a range of food in the centre of it.

Harry's jaw dropped at the surprise picnic Draco organized. There was so much food though. He sees a platter of fruits, crackers & different types of cheese, toasted sandwiches, and berries. "My goodness!" he says in utter surprise. The only way anyone could get these foods is from the kitchens and asking the house-elves for it. He knows not many people know about the way into the kitchens. "How did you get all this food?"

Draco sits down, and a few seconds later Harry does the same but on the other side of him. He feels a blush creep up and spread across his cheeks and he rubs the side of his neck. "I planned the date, but Blaise helped me with the food," he says and helps himself to a few grapes just to let Harry know he can start eating. "Blaise's mother knows a really great caterer. I just didn't know how to find food myself."

"It's perfect, Draco," Harry says and smiles while he cuts a thin piece of feta cheese and puts it on a cracker with a piece of salami. It's all so fancy and new to him. He's never had a picnic before in his life, so this is his first and it's with Draco. "And even if you didn't help organize the food, it's still perfect and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Draco watches Harry eat the cracker with feta and salami and his smile widens as he sees that Harry likes the food. He then gets an idea. "You know this is actually pretty good," he says and cuts a little slice out of the Manchego cheese and smears it on a cracker and feeds it to Harry.

Harry hesitates but eventually lets Draco feed him It turns out he actually likes the cheese Draco got him to try. It was rich yet sweet. He lets the taste melt in his mouth for a few seconds before nodding with approval. "It's really good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Harry," Draco says and for fun, threw a grape over at him. Instead of it hitting Harry somewhere, he actually caught it in his mouth. It surprised Draco a little, so he did it again and watched as Harry caught the grape in his mouth again. "You can catch the Snitch in the field quite easily by hand, but it appears you can do it by mouth too."

"I just found out I could do that," Harry says and reaches for a toasted sandwich. He could smell what's inside of the sandwich: cheese, tomato, and ham. Its that distinct smell that nearly everyone would know, and it made his stomach grumble, so he got into eating it. He wasn't a taste tester for chef foods, but he knew this was done quite well. He looked up and caught Draco staring at him who was eating from the fruit and berry platter. It never gets old, does it?

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