Romantic Hedges

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Harry felt a pang of guilt as he watched Ron stiffly try to sit down at the Gryffindor table on Thursday night. Harry had been practising stunning spells that afternoon and Ron had kept missing the pillows that Hermione had placed for him to fall onto.

Ginny looked at her brother and laughed at how exhausted he looked. "You look as pathetic as Aunt Myrtle on a Monday morning in her old dressing gown and green face mask on."

"Shove off, Gin!" Ron spat quickly, his ears turning red and he stuffed his mouth with roast potatoes just so he wouldn't say anything else. He had a few biting remarks he could give her but they were a bit too much.

"Are you sure your bottom is only sore from hitting the floor and not from somebody in particular?" Ginny asked, smirking when looking over at the Slytherin table at Blaise Zabini. She can't wait to tell Fred and George this. Unless, of course, she was too late and they already know.

Harry looked directly at Ron, wondering what Ginny meant but then the realization hit him. Blaise Zabini. He pilled some food onto his plate, not exactly knowing what it was but he began eating even if the food tasted like ashes.

Ron's ears and face turned a bright red from embarrassment, but also from being caught. Harry dropped his jaw in shock, but quickly closed it as he had potatoes in his mouth. That was definitely something new to hear. His best mate had... God. He wants to congratulate him since he knows what it's like to have sex for the first time.

Ginny cupped her hand to her mouth in surprise. "Oh Merlin, Ron!" She just didn't want to believe this but she knew it was true. "You didn't!" Even she and Luna haven't gone that far yet.

Ron only glared at Ginny but after a few seconds, he slightly nodded and Ginny squealed in excitement and happiness. "Oh, Merlin. Ron! I'm so proud of you!" she said, flicking a pretend tear from her cheek.

"Congrats, Ron!" Harry said, smiling at his best mate and flicked an olive over at him. Nobody likes Olives anyway. Well, besides himself and he's sure Draco can stand them.

When Ron gave Harry a small smile back, Seamus slid down the seat of the table to them, smirking at the conversation he and Dean heard. "So, Harry, who's top and who's bottom?" he suddenly asked, leaning closer to the three. "With you and Draco, I mean."

Harry shook his head, wishing he didn't have to have these conversations. "Both," was his only reply. But in the end, he did tell his Irish dormmate that he was a bottom, and Seamus nodded and seemed to understand what it's like.

So, Harry, are you ready for the final task of the Tournament?" Ginny asked.

Harry gave a shrug as he reached for a second helping of mashed pumpkin. "I suppose," he said, and as he tried looking over at Draco to see a sile from the Slytherin, two people catch his vision. It's Cedric and Joshua making their way to the Hufflepuff table. "Hermione has taught me practically every hex and jinx in the book. Just have to try and remember them all."

Hermione came out of nowhere, sat beside Harry and looked at him encouragingly, "You'll do fine, Harry. But I really think we should get one more practice session tonight-"

Ron gave a groan and Harry quickly interrupted, "No, you have your Potions exam tomorrow," he told them. "Besides, I don't think Ron will be able to move if I stun him one more time. I'll just go off and read in the library or somewhere and err... think about Draco." That made Ron snort, and Hermione giggles along with Ginny. "By the way, where have you been, Hermione?"

"Are you sure you don't want to practise again, Harry?" Hermione gave him a worried look as he asked him. "And if you must know, I was with Pansy all afternoon."

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