Therapetic Discoveries

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Harry felt relieved that Ron had found out about what professor Umbridge has been making him do to himself in the detentions. His hand was bleeding from under his shirt. It was nothing he couldn't handle though. Although, he just didn't want anybody to worry about him and well, it was too late for that as he was sure Ron would say something to Hermione too.

When Ron told him that he would try out for keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, he felt a rush of near excitement as his best mate would be playing with him. It was actually pretty funny how Ron was hiding from Fred and George like he did something terrible. It even cracked Draco up too when he saw it.

Ron said he should tell Dumbledore about Umbridge and what she's doing, but Harry doesn't want to worry the headmaster as he knows he has other issues to deal with. Not to mention the headmaster hasn't spoken to him since June.

For three times a week, Harry and Hermione have always gone jogging at 6 in the morning, and ever since their first jog, Harry's noticed an increase in upper and lower leg muscles and has noticed he's been able to run further than he normally could. Aside from that, he's been eating at a normal rate for men his age instead of the little meals he used to have. Although the jogging has helped him, he still feels rather depressed every now and then.

And after his fourth detention, he walked into a roar of laughter and celebration in the Gryffindor common room. It wasn't until Ron told him he made it into the team as the keeper that Harry offered him congratulations but what he really needed was some time alone. It was hard making his way up to the dorms through the mass of people. He even chuckled at Hermione who was sound asleep while her drink was nearly about to spill on the floor.

He pounced on his bed in the dormitory and groaned loudly. His hand felt like hell and he could hear the loud music and shouting coming from downstairs. Then he felt a sudden urge to see Draco, to celebrate with him, to drink Butterbeer with him like all couples do when celebrating for some reason.

He could easily call Dobby and get him to pop into the room with Draco but did elves sleep? And he was sure that Draco would probably be asleep too. He didn't want to wake his sleeping Slytherin boyfriend, so he sighed and sat up on his bed. He looked at his hand and when he just stared for about a few minutes, Ron burst through the doors.

"Harry?" said Ron. "There you are." He sounded relieved, to Harry's annoyance. "Come back downstairs, please?"

Harry groaned again and leaned his back down on the sheets. His alone time was wrecked. "Do I have to?"

"Yes, Harry," Ron said with a smile. He was still holding his bottle of butterbeer. "Giddy up!"

Harry stared at his best mate. He wasn't drunk, right? He hoped not. Could people get drunk on butterbeer? "Alright," he said, defeated. It seems he'll never get his alone time. "I'll be down there in a sec."

"Great! Oh and... Draco's downstairs." And Ron was out the door in a blink of an eye. Harry felt a rush of excitement as he made his way back down to the common room which by then he saw that Hermione was awake but no Draco in sight. Bloody hell, Ron! He told them about the detention with Umbridge and how it felt like the toad-like woman could have been possessed by Voldemort.


Harry managed to escape Mrs Norris in the corridors and headed down to the Owlery to deliver an owl to Snuffles. When letting Hedwig fly off into the sunshine with the letter, his vision trailed to Hagrid's hut. Still no sign that anybody has been there as the curtains were drawn shut and there was no smoke coming from the chimney. But then something caught his eye. It was some kind of black horse, but it looked reptilian with leathery wings. He remembered seeing them pull the horse carriages. But then as it flew towards the trees, it vanished.

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