Chasing down A Gryffindor

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lavender smiled at Ivy before finishing off the rest of her pizza. She didn't eat the rest of her garlic bread due to her knowledge of a certain aspect that belongs to Ivy. "I haven't asked how your day was, Ivy."

Ivy looked at her with a smile. She's actually never thought about how the day was. She just let it happen. But she had to admit that it was the best day of her life. "It was spectacular!" she beamed, and then poked Lavender on the shoulder, "Especially since it was with you."

Lavender blushed and giggled at her. "Ivyyyyy!" she said with a prolonged 'y', trying to cover her blushing face from every student and professor's eye in the Great Hall by lowering her head from sight. She felt embarrassed, even though she knew not to be.

Ivy just chuckled and stared down at Lavender's empty plate beside the bitten garlic bread which she told Lavender she could eat around her as it doesn't affect her as much as long as it's covered in something strong. "So, you finished dinner?"

"Yeah," Lavender said with a nod and pushed her plate forward on the table. "Have you finished yours?"

Ivy nodded with a grin on her face. "Shall I take you back to Gryffindor Tower then?" she asked, but it wasn't a question. She needed to take Lavender back to Gryffindor Tower more than anything right now. "I would like to make sure you get back to bed safe and sound."

"Please," was all Lavender said as she stood up from the table. Ivy intertwined hands with her, also standing up and they headed out of the Great Hall. She stopped as she stood in front of the portrait. "Well, this is it I guess."

"Not going to invite me in?" Ivy asked with a small smile. Another part of being a vampire is being invited into places by a witch, wizard, or muggle. It's also how bloodshed happens if someone invites the wrong vampire into their house or their friends' place.

Lavender looked at her. She smiled, turned her body around and leaned forward to kiss Ivy slowly, her heart suddenly halting in her chest, and she was slightly tasting the blood from the blood lollipops that had been in Ivy's mouth. Ivy melted in the kiss and felt a shock at first, but then kissed back sweetly. As they departed lips, Lavender said the password and they entered through the common room and up to the dormitory.

Lavender sat on the end of her bed and looked up at Ivy needlingly with a small smile. The vampire really looked unearthly with her perfectly sculptured features and close to glowing skin. Lavender stood up from the bed and realised how close the vampire was pressed against her and how a hand was resting against her lower back with a steady pressure.

Lavender's breath turned uneven and all she could hear was her pulse pounding in her ears. Which meant that Ivy probably was aware of her heart beating harder than ever before, something Lavender should have found humiliating but right now didn't. Before she knew what she'd done she'd pressed her lips against the vampires in a chaste kiss. Or rather it was chaste for about three seconds before Ivy, with a growl, devoured her.

Surprisingly enough Ivy's lips were as soft and pleasant as her skin. But as the vampire's tongue licked Lavender's bottom lip in a demanding move all coherent thoughts stopped and the Gryffindor girl surrendered with a whimper. It wasn't like anything she'd felt before, kissing a vampire. Usually, there were warmth and hot breaths mixing but this was different. Perhaps not different as in bad, no definitely not bad. It was just not like anything Lavender had ever felt before. Ivy's tongue was cool, but still feeling very much alive while invading Lavender's mouth. The vampire stroked and captured the Gryffindor like no one had done before and she felt drunk on feelings.

She didn't know how long they stood there, pressing closely together at the side of the bed. But when Lavender started to feel a lack of air and Ivy obviously didn't, the Gryffindor managed to press forth a whining sound from the back of her throat. The vampire let go of her lips with a soft pop and Lavender gasped for air.

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