A Ghostly Proble

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Harry woke up yet again from another nightmare. It was the same one that he always has with that green light in the end. He did his regular breathing exercise like the last time when he feels a panic attack coming on, breathing in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds and breathing out for eight seconds.

He was drenched in sweat as well as his own bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, grabbed his glasses off the bedside table, grabbed his wand and cast a quick cleaning charm on the bed and in a second, the bed was sweat-free.

He really did not feel like getting up at all today, or even interacting with people. He zoned out, remembering the times he has been with Draco. The hugging. The kissing. The snuggling. The sex. How Draco makes him feel loved, how he flushes the sadness out of him.

The other Gryffindor's finished getting ready and headed out while Harry just lay there pretending to be asleep. Dean noticed Harry's eyes were open and staring blankly at the floor like he was a dead man. He grew worried for his fellow Gryffindor. He was too sleepy to actually notice anything strange except a frown, he just thought he was seeing things. "Harry, turn that frown upside down," he said sleepily as he put on his tie and tied it into a full Windsor knot.

Harry gave Dean the best possible fake smile he could ever-present, which turned out that it wasn't very big. "I'm fine, really," he said half-heartedly, finding it hard just to look over at his dormmate when it should be so easy. "Thanks for asking..."

Dean blinked at the boy, he was finally coming out of his tired state as he rubbed at his eyes. "It's no problem, Harry." He sounded concerned and his eyebrows were furrowed worriedly as he still saw the frown on Harry's face.

Harry nodded at his fellow Gryffindor. Right now, he just needed to escape and cut. He sluggishly pulled himself out of bed. Groaning, he felt like his body was made of led. After waiting quite a long time, Dean had finally left the room, leaving Harry alone so he could get dressed in peace.

Harry headed out of the room and made his way down to Myrtle's bathroom. But as he entered through to the common room, he heard Hermione call for him. He turned around reluctantly and noticed that Hermione had been reading a book. He could not see what she was reading but it had a black cover.

"Hello, Harry," Hermione said, beaming at him though she still had her nose glued into her book. She was reading 'The Lord of the Rings'. "Did you have a good sleep?"

Harry forced a smile, hoping it was enough for her to believe. "Yeah," he said dazedly and wished he was back up in his room, sleeping the week away. "I slept fine."

Hermione looked as if she didn't believe Harry, but she didn't leave a comment about it. "Harry?" she asked softly, bookmarked the page in her book and put it down on her lap, closed. "Are you alright?"

"So, how are you and Pansy?" Harry neatly avoided the question. He really was not sure what to say to her. He wasn't okay, but there was no way he would say anything to her that would be concerning.

Hermione suddenly blushed as she hid her face in back her book, but the blush seemed to run further up her face so Harry could see. "Oh, she's great," she said with a shy smile.

"And how are you?" Harry asked her, forcing himself to chuckle a bit at the response he got from her. He wondered if Hermione and Pansy are mutual friends or even more. That would be nice to see, his best friend being loved by someone.

Hermione sighed brightly and looked at the ground where Trevor, Neville's frog, sat. How did he even get out? "Brilliant!" she said, smiling. She paused and smiled at him knowingly, "Have you had a first date with Draco yet? Or your second, third, fourth and so on?"

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