A disturbing Letter from a mother

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This chapter contains very triggering things in it that include suicide.

Harry rubbed his hands over his swollen puffy red eyelids. He hadn't slept a wink all week and he had been crying himself to sleep more than he often has because of the fear of going to sleep and having to relive a moment in his life which he doesn't want to remember or just any kind of nightmare that appears in his mind.

Harry cast a quick "Tempus" and showed that it was around 6:00 in the morning. Frowning to himself, he got up quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up, and sluggishly got dressed in warm clothes. He searched for one of the potion vials in his trunk as he doesn't want to disappoint Draco and feel even worse, and when he grabbed a vile, he drank the whole tube. He then grabbed his invisibility cloak from under his pillow and walked out of the dormitory.

Luckily, he was the only one awake. So, he quickly made his way to the portrait and easily walked out of the common room's portrait. Looking around the corridor he was in, he decided he wanted to go see the morning sky. What better way to do that was to go to the Astronomy Tower?

Harry walked up the stairs and realized he wasn't alone. A girl whose long black wavy hair blowing in the wind was standing by the rails of the Astronomy Tower which kept her from plummeting to her death. "Ivy?" he said, his voice echoing and bouncing off the walls of the Tower.

Ivy turned around to face the Gryffindor. She was surprised to see Harry up this early. "Hello, Harry," she said with a downturned expression, and she was leaning against the rails. She actually prefered to be alone right now so she doesn't get caught doing harmful things to herself.

"Why are you up so early?" Harry had asked her and was puzzled to why a 16-year-old wouldn't have slept in. But knowing how hard it is to actually get some sleep because of the depression, he understands her struggles a little. Depression sucks and he wishes he never had this life. But then there's Draco who he loves so much and would do anything for.

"I could ask you the same, but, I'm normally up early," Ivy said as she turned around to look back up at the daybreak sky. She enjoyed waking up early to watch the sunrise. It was her favourite thing to do. "I couldn't sleep, so I came up here around 4 in the morning."

Harry walked up beside her to admire the view from the Astronomy Tower. It's also when he felt the sharpness of the chilly air on his face The sun was only just above the horizon in the distance and its yellow gleam covered the mountains and landscape like a heavenly light.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Ivy said but had a frown form on her face. It wasn't actually a question. "The sunset. It's such a beautiful thing in our world that doesn't really get admired much. It should be. Same as the nature of the Earth."

"Yeah, it sure is," Harry said as he admired the beautiful view of the sunrise in the chilly morning. But... not as beautiful as Draco is, he thought and began to think about his wonderful boyfriend who was still fast asleep in the dorm room. He wanted to be with Draco, snuggled up close to him, Draco's arms around him, while tucked in under the sheets.

Harry turned his head to look at her, seeing the frown on her face. But he also saw a red substance on the corner of her mouth. She must have been down in the kitchens earlier. "Is something the matter?" he had to ask, studying her eyes and seeing the same glossiness that Harry had always seen in his own eyes. "Do you need to talk about anything that's happening? And you have red sauce on the left side of your mouth."

"No, I'm fine," Ivy said with a dismissed shake of her head, licked the red substance off the corner of her mouth and she looked down towards the grounds of Hogwarts. All the snow since Christmas had melted and flowers were starting to bloom as Spring had started weeks ago. "I'm just waiting on my mother's owl. She sends me an owl every month, mostly about when I get back home and when she goes to work. Boring stuff, really."

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