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After his father, Khun Kan stomped out of the house,  Vegas suddenly got up and walked angrily from the porch to the room Pete's locked in.

Inside the room, although Vegas was in a fit of rage, he noticed a few things upon entering. Pete was sitting on the floor, hands tied above his head, bending his face downward. Vegas wondered How did he sit, he doesn't remember leaving the chain that loose.

Vegas straight went to a table beside the door and threw everything off of it. He needs to control the anger.

"Why are you silent? What are you thinking? HUH?" Vegas yelled at Pete as his silence is the thing bothering him the most. "TALK! ISN'T IT A FÛCKING GOOD CHANCE TO LAUGH AT THE PERSON WHO LOCKED YOU UP IN HERE?" Vegas wasn't in his right mind after all.

He frawned at Pete's silence. "Don't test my patience Pete." He stepped near Pete and grabbed his hand to jerk him awake if he's sleeping. "Pete!"

He stopped abruptly sensing something wrong.

Vegas POV

"Ai Pete... Pete?" my head wasn't working at the moment. Why isn't he responding? Isn't he supposed to wake up by now if he's sleeping...? "Ai Pete?! Open your damned eyes- I'm fvcking saying something!" I was confused and frustrated. I stopped looking at his face- He seems paler than he already is, and my eyes got stuck on the wounds on his chest.

"........." is it because of these...? The wounds didn't look good, and his body temperature is colder than usual.

"fūck-" I loosened the chains enough to make him lie on the bed. I started to clean the wounds one by one. Fūck- Was I too hārd on him last time..? I took out the aid kit and stopped for a moment......

Wait- what TF am I doing??!

....Let's finish what I started first.

As I was bandaging the wounds, I realized something was wrong. It felt wrong, almost like regretting my actions. Fūck you! I wasn't wrong.
I took his hand in my palm and started to rub as I felt his body temperature going down. What do I do? I can't call in a doctor in a safehouse either.

I remember it helped warming Macau's cold hands and feet when he had fever, Wouldn't it help Pete too?

I stopped for a moment again looking at Pete.

I've tortured enough people in my lifetime. Used unspeakable methods to get their soul out. But I've never felt bad, let alone regret.

Pete's eyelashes flickered. I was still staring at his face figuring out my thoughts. According to my nature, he deserves death penalty by my own hands for ruining my well sorted plan that I layed out too carefully.
But my brain keeps going around everywhere except for that.

I got goosebumps inhaling a scent all on a sudden. It was a faint lavender scent. Before I wondered where's this coming from, my eyes widened in realization as I looked at Pete. He was looking back in my eyes in confusion.


Pete POV

I looked at him in disbelief. Why the heck I'm still alive? I've endured so much just to die, and now I'm back alive?!! RIDICULOUS! It's not fair, WHY CAN'T I JUST FÚCKING DIE? I flinched as he looked back at me suddenly as if he heard my thoughts.

"Since you're up..." He got up and took some capsules from the table in front. He reached out one, "here, take this."

He looked as calm as he always is. How can he talk without snarling at me? It's not a time for Vegas to be here, He's here because he got mad at someone didn't he? wait- is it poison.. that's why he's being nice?

"I don't need that." I stared at him. Why did you save me anyway?

"You think it's poison?" He took the capsule between his teeth, The fuck he's doing?  To my life's biggest surprise, he leaned in and made me take it by his mouth. My eyes widened as I felt his lips on mine.

".....!" He sat up straight. Just then, for a split second I saw it before he looked away. His eyes were glowing faintly. And I could smell something very faint, but strong. What in holy... OHMYGOD MY SUPPRESSOR EXPIRED!

"your wounds are inflamed." He grabbed my neck to lift my head so that I can drink some water. "Don't be stubborn, you need this." I got shivers as soon as he rubbed my neck. I swear he did it on purpose, do you not know the places we omegas are sensitive at? You gotta be kidding my āss, even then I won't believe it.

"....." I turned around to get some sleep, I didn't have the strength to speak since the moment I realized the hell of a situation I'm in. He could bang me right now and here if he wants to and that's the last thing I want right now, so it's better not to infuriate him.

I need to think something about the medicines, I just observed his movements silently while trying to process everything. But he surprised me one more time by going away from me to sit in front of the hedgehog cage. He feeds it in time, and it's not his feeding time either.

"Are you hungry?"

"Huh? I? Me? Uh.. I'm.." I started to stutter, not out of fear but fluster.  "I'm not." I didn't even turn to look at him while talking, what the hell Pete? he'll get angry, he'll get angry....

I tried to sit up, slowly.

"Don't. You rest." Huuuh? Just like that, Vegas walked out.



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