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Third person POV

"......are we really not going to hospital?" Pete broke the silence while they're still on the way.

"Why, don't trust me?" Vegas was looking forward, driving.

"No no, it's not that- I was just asking because-"

"Pete, Do you want him there-" Vegas stopped for a moment. thinking how to put it nicely. From Vegas point of view, Pete have been getting triggered by everyone and everything lately. It's not good for his health.

On the other side, Pete waited for Vegas to finish, with confusion, "You want Porsche...to be around when you go into labor?"

"Uh?"  Because Pete knows Vegas very well. He doesn't like Porsche or anyone else than himself beside Pete, let alone during the most difficult time. "...Not really, it's not that important."

He's that obsessed with Pete.

"....." Pete thought he was seeing things as Vegas seemed to release a breath he's been holding.

"He's one of my best friends yes, but not like you think okay?" Pete stared at Vegas as he gave a little nod. "Are you still jealous?"

"........yeah okay." This was unexpected, Pete laughed. "Stop it."

"Okay okay....but, I really wanted to sit there, in the front." The corner of Vegas's lips curved upwards into a grin.

"Not now Pete, you have to have enough space....and I changed those seats into something more comfortable you see." Pete touched the seats on instinct, Is he insane?! Then he noticed the difference, even the seatbelts were covered with something making it wider. "But they couldn't change these ones. Said that would ruin the ca-" Vegas didn't get a finish his line, some one bumped into their car.

"AHH!-" So hard that Pete barely grabbed the front seat for support. Those seatbelts came handy real sooner than he thought.

"PETE! PETE ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?" Vegas turned the car in a rush to dodge that other car.

"I'm fine- Don't worry about me, I've got it." Pete tightened his grip, reaching out for Vegas's spare gun under the seat in the meantime.

Vegas fumed, "Who doesn't have any wish to live anymore?" Pete looked up, he knows this voice.

"Vegas, Don't get involved in here, we're in no position to fight...We gotta get away as soon as possible." Vegas's not one to calm down if someone messes with his patience, but Pete gave it a shot since Pete can't even defend himself right now.

"Okay- ugh!" Another bump, "Pete!" They could feel it's intentional.

"I'm okay! Just focus on the road- ARGH!"

"Pete what's wrong?!" Pete grabbed his stomach with one hand.

"Vegas..Vegas, I think.." Those pushes jerked the car too much. The pain was getting more intense with every passing second. "It's ...it's time AHH! VEGAS TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL!"






Pete's POV

"Nop NOP GET THE ROAD CLEARED OUT RIGHT NOW!!" Telling Vegas beforehand was a mistake. He started freaking out more than me, who's actually going in labor.

"I...I already called Dr. Top..He's telling us to transfer P-Pete to his hospital-"

"WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK NOP!" I need to get him to calm down first. Goodness fucking things I have to do regardless of the situation..

"Vegas...listen.." He looked at me. "Vegas, Hurry... It's....hurting so much.." I pretended to go limp. It's taking everything in me not to scream out with the pain I'm going through. But it's the only way to get Vegas function...is to push him a little bit more.

"Don't close your eyes Pete, look at me-" Vegas gulped visibly. I can see the sweat beads on his forehead. "Nop, you give me the address.....and cover while I get rid of the cars."

"Copy that!"

Vegas took a sharp 90° turn as Nop leading our other two cars blocked the attackers. I felt my consciousness slipping away in reality, I didn't need to pretend anymore. I heard Vegas yelling in between, I can sense the panic he's in.

"Hung on...." I can feel the pain still, but no energy left to make a sound. "We're here... P e t e!"


Vegas's POV

I didn't see anything or could process anything apart from taking Pete to the doctor. My mind was going blank when I saw Pete losing consciousness. I rushed in the private hospital complex with Pete in my arms. Dr. Top was there, he took him away telling me to wait.

I stood there trying to figure out what just happened.

Pete, Why can't you hold on a bit more Pete? It's much more than a torture. I didn't realize when I flopped on the floor. I know it's harder for him. I tried to hug myself, it doesn't help. I looked at the door once again.

Half an hour later, Porsche POV.

"Don't worry Phi, P'Pete will be fine.."  I took Macau there, he was freaking out after hearing everything. I don't know who told him all this, was it necessary to inform him, at least about the attack? I can't believe it.

Who's targeting Pete? Or it's happening purely coincidentally because he's together with that fucker. Porsche sighed in frustration. At first, Porchay, and now Pete. They both chose shittiest ways to lead a life. It's a given to live with threats when you partner up with a person who likes to make enemy out of everyone.

Worst part of everything going on is Vegas, I can't even get mad at him. He's miserable as he is, he doesn't even have any idea of his surroundings. What's the use of talking to the senseless guy? At least he brought Pete here safely, I'd confront him otherwise.

"...Porsche." I looked up. "Don't worry, Dr.Top said it's going to be okay."  I nodded.

"Hopefully kinn, I don't want anything to happen to them...Pete's going to be devastated if something happens to.."

Kinn rubbed my back slowly. "There's no complications you see, everything's going to be alright."

I remember Pete's excitement about the child. Even I, though I hated that guy, eventually came to cherish it watching Pete so happy. I can't imagine any negative situation regarding him or the child.

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