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Kim's POV

I locked the door after Dr. Topaz left, the things he said about Chay kept running in my head. I really did influenced him...that much?

If that's true, Then I was a stupid to think he'd forget me and He's just a kid who's still growing up and he'll move on with life eventually. He can't even function without my pheromones during his seizures..

Damnit Kim, you fucked up big time.

["He's alright. It's just he's triggered by your scent along with the recent emotional up downs I guess. And don't need to worry about the medications- it's to prevent him from...I mean, he's not marked yet. Going into heat spurts isn't good for him without an alpha." ]

I went to my bedroom to check up on Porchay once more before heading to the study.

He's sleeping soundly.

I walked closer to the bed and pulled the blanket to cover his body properly. As I was leaning towards him, I noticed the faint hint of dark circles under his eyes. I frawned while guiding some stray hairs away from his forehead.

["If you know what I mean, he's fine. Considering his age, it's natural for him for wanting to react to a stronger pheromone. But he's been stimulated wrong way once, and You've used your pheromones to force him out of the influence. So his body is used to your pheromones now. But the problem is, anyone else's pheromones working like severe allergens to him."]

My fists clenched remembering everything again. If only I could protect him better, he wouldn't have been kidnapped, and he wouldn't have been forced by those creeps.

"Phi....P'Kim..?" I flinched thinking I woke him up. But in a moment I realized he was sleep talking. ".....P'Kim.."

He was frawning in his sleep. There was an exhaustion in his face that I could not bear to see.

"It's me." I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm here, Chay." I wanted to reassure him in his sleep. His fist tightened clencheing my shirt not wanting to let go.


"Shh, Everything is fine. Sleep Chay." I hugged him tighter. I don't know what to feel. I cannot want him back, not after deciding to go to that mission. I can't give him hope and destroy it again.

I know what wrong I did but one thing is sure,

I love this boy with my entire being.

Third person POV

Next morning, 11.25 am. Pete sat up straight on his bed and raised both his eyebrows in surprise.


"What do you think?" Macau laughed. He and Pete were having a conversation over the Theerapanyakul brothers.

"Well, it's not really a big deal with Khun Kim, he is the most dangerous one amongst the brothers."

"Seriously P'Pete, Why'd you count Phi out?" Macau frawned looking at Pete, who was sitting on the bed checking his phone. "Don't you think he's-"

"Uh-huh.." Pete waved Macau off. "I meant among the mentally balanced brothers- your Phi is something else, you can't even compare him to the rest of the Theerapanyakuls."

Macau giggled at Pete's reaction at the end of the line."What the hell?"

"I'm telling the truth anyway." Pete put the phone away and shrugged. "As the head bodyguard I was, I could figure out most of the elite plans and traps there could be.. but your Phi- I never understood what goes on in that head."

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