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..Kim's POV

This morning is something else. I turned towards Porchay, he was the first thing I saw after opening my eyes today. It is weird. What a treat to eyes. He's sleeping shirt which is exposing his torso.The marks all over his body from last night, is still visible. I tried my best to control myself. Seems like it wasn't enough. Kimhan, you shit-

I stared at him like a creep for I don't know...15 minutes? I smiled when I couldn't tuck a strand of hair behind his ear after trying twice. His hair is too short for that. I traced his cheek before withdrawing my hand, too soft. His chest going up down with breathing....everything is too perfect. I could die now and not regret it.

I got up. My thoughts were gone, my eyes widened once I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. Looks like Chay was unhinged himself. I chuckled.

I Went to kitchen after shower and came back after...I guess an hour. Whew~ now I know why people need to graduate to be chef. I picked up the tray and went upstairs.

As soon as I entered the bedroom, "P'Kim?" I was expecting Chay still asleep. I put the tray down. His voice is sweeter in early morning.

"When did you wake up?"

"Maybe 10 minutes? Uh.." I put the refilled water bottle on the bedside table. "P'Kim- How is your wound? "

I stopped at the door. "I'm fine. Eat up okay?" "Don't blame me if the salt level is higher, I think I've poured a little more than enough."

I don't know how to explain it, I felt shivers seeing his eyes sparkle.

"You cooked?!!!" He started to eat right away. "It's really good P'Kim!" He was eating like a child, with a mouthful of scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Guess it's edible." What? Those are easiest items I found to make. Still I had to try it 7 times to get this perfect one. Huan is cleaning up the mess I made at the moment. I'm sitting there in front of chay instead of getting back to study, ignoring the work at hand, watching him like a creep again.

"Wen did...yu lealn to cook?" I chuckled.

"I forgot." He looked up at me with a frawn.

"....Liar." and continued eating. I smiled sipping my detox tea. He suddenly stopped and pointed at the back of my neck. "what's that?"

I shook my head. "It's nothing, finish the tea as well-" He got behind my back and lifted my t-shirt.

"Wait, Let me see-" He covered his mouth seeing the marks on my back. "D-Did I do it....?" I already saw the scratches on my back before showering, that's the reason I wore a t-shirt early in the morning.

"It doesn't hurt." I wanted to see his reaction more, "And yes." The shock is evident on his face. I pointed at the cup, "It's getting cold." He took the cup instantly, probably trying to hide the blush.

"I'm...sorry P'Kim.." He's now even shy to look at me. Soon he finished the tea. "I'm still sleepy...P'Kim what about-" He looked at me with hooded eyes.

"Sleep some more, I have work." He leaned in as I touched his cheek. His eyes are closed, I kissed on his forehead.



"Are you hearing me?" There's no reply. He's not supposed to, not after drinking the tea.

"Goodbye Chay..." My voice got shakier. I touched my forehead with his. I tried to remember his breath, scent and the feeling of his skin. I was trying to hold it in, enjoying the last day with him like nothing's wrong.

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