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Pete's POV//Main Family House.

"You really believed him? Pete I swear I didn't do anything- " Vegas stopped by the bed I'm half lying on. I know he's telling the truth, he's frustrated.

But Sorry Vegas.... I have to defend my actions without letting him know what I'm doing.

"Still, that man approached me and told me....stuff I didn't like." But my heart skipped a beat when Vegas kneeled beside the bed, touching my knees with both of his hands.

"You don't trust me Pete?"

"Vegas." I took a deep breath to calm down. "...I said I'm here just for a few days. I needed some space and I wanted to visit others in here anyway." I looked away while saying that.

"I understand that But this time you..I mean I... I can't sleep at night without seeing you."

Oh gosh. I'm already at the bottom of guilty line treating him like this. I know he didn't do anything. Nor does he deserves any of these.

"I'm fine in here for the moment Vegas." He looked at me for a moment, then nodded grimly.

"...Okay." He held both of my hands in his, rubbing his thumbs on the back of them. "But the problem is...My keeps troubling me."

"Vegas." It was getting noon and I came here last night. He looked up with his red rimmed eyes. I lifted my blanket, "....Come here."

I noticed his eyes lit up for a moment before he got up on bed in a rush.

I lied down, careful of my swollen stomach, he adjusted my pillows before snuggling his face in my chest. I can't deny,

I missed him.

"Did you eat?" I was feeling his hair in my fingers.

".....uhm." His breathing's getting slower and even.

He fell asleep within a few minutes. Guess I'm really pushing him. He didn't sleep a wink last night. As expected of this piece of shit.

"Pete-" WTF!

"Shhh!" Whatever is wrong with these people bursting in whenever I'm in a moment with my Bastard? Pete, have patience.

Porsche stood there dumbfounded seeing Vegas sleeping hugging my waist, not sure what to do.

He left shaking his head in disbelief after I gestured him not to come back until I called him.

I smiled at myself hugging a sleeping Vegas back.

But did he say he is afraid of me leaving him? Cute. How can I leave this man , I love him with my entire existence. I'll make sure he knows it after I solve this shit.


Third person POV//At a bar.

"Was he that handsome?!" Macau raised both of his eye brows at Porchay.

Porchay shook his head violently. "Nah he's beautiful. He has partly silver hair..I could see few black strands under his beanie- did he dye his hair? But why like that??"

"Damn!" Porchay looked at Macau's face, he was in utter disbelief.


Macau facepalmed. "Just how long and how hard you stared at him? He must think you're a creepy kid."

Porchay suddenly stood up. "What? NO! He even said we're gonna be friends!"

"Wait- Sit down." Porchay looked around covering his mouth.


Macau shook his head chuckling. "Nevermind, at least it didn't go bad. You can focus on your career." Porchay didn't reply to this and kept his head low. "What's up??"

"I dunno....nothing." Porchay shook his head.

Macau sighed. He knows from where Porchay's long face is coming. All of the uncertainty and frustrations in Porchay's life at the moment is related to one single reason. One single person to be exact.

"Porchay...I think P'Porsche did what he thought was right. As a elder brother-" Macau took Porchay's glass away, which he snatched back immediately.

"Stop defending phi! I know! Brothers always think what's best for us right? But I have my own choic-" Porchay covered his mouth realizing he was yelling. "hell...wouch!"

"It's okay Chay, I just explained his point of view, but it isn't necessarily the right choice. You can tell me if you want to let it out, it's not good to bottle up things inside you know?"

Porchay blinked at the table, nodding silently. It seemed he was having difficulty to process what's in his head.

It's not like Porchay doesn't know Macau's a good friend. But he doesn't really know what to do. And he can't possibly tell Macau about what Leon told him as well.

"ai want him...him to tell me what he's thinkin.." Porchay slammed his forehead on the table while talking. "But-"

"Chay!" Macau went behind Porchay and lift his head back up.

"....but that guy..."


"Why doesn't he listen to me. . .an keeps lyin over and over.." Porchay slammed his fist on the table. "LIAR!"

"How do you know if it's not the truth he's speaking?" Porchay seemed frustrated all on a sudden.

"OF COURSE I KNO Him- I love dat man Macau..." His eyes widened seeing Porchay, tears started spill down his cheeks. " I love him too much, I can tell...if he's lyin or not just looking at his eyes."

"Enough" Macau snatched the glass from Porchay's hand. "You're officially drunk."

"I'm also officially 19 Macau- gimme back..."

"No, stop."

"MACAU!" Porchay was getting angry, "ARGH- " Ended up falling while trying to get up.

"See? My gosh I'm so dumb to take you in here-"

Porchay poked in Macau's chest. "Why are you hugging me?" Porchay said in a low voice chuckling and hugged Macau back.

"Cause you were about to fall you dumb- argh!" Someone shoved him hard before he could finish the line.

"Get off of him." Macau looked back at the person to teach him a lesson.

"You?" But he was surprised. "Whatever the hell are YOU doing here?!" Macau's face twisted remembering his best friend's torment caused by this guy, Kim.

Third person POV________

"Pathetic." Kim turned around to walk out of the place. Porchay was still holding his shoulder for support. Macau didn't even notice Porchay's expression.

"I'VE ASKED SOMETHING!" Macau grabbed Porchay's arm. "I won't let you take Chay- not after what you did."

"Fuck off before I do something I don't really want to." Kim snarled at him.

Macau stood his ground. "Are you threatening me?"


Macau grabbed Kim's collar, "I am talking to YOU." 


"DON'T YELL AT ME!" Kim clenched his jaw. it was taking a lot for him to restrain himself from Killing his own cousin. "Are all from that family like this? Arrogant more than they can account for?" (Main family*)

kim took a deep breath.


"Macau.... don't... don't take me to Phi ....tonight-" Porchay's slurred words made Kim even angrier. "Phi is gonna kill...kill me.." He was resting his head on Kim's shoulder addressing him Macau.


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