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Porchay's POV

I don't know what am I doing. Right notw I'm standing in front of the studio I've always dreamed of joining. I got the appointment letter in my bag, the form all filled out, I just have to sign up an agreement.

An agreement I don't know if I can fulfill till the end. I'm so hopeless I should be ashamed.

I lifted my hand to knock. Wait. What happens if I really can't continue anymore? I heard agreements like these are too strict and powerful, in the sense that I could get arrested if I failed? I was gripping my side bag way too tight thinking about it.

Is it the right decision?

Then I remembered why I decided not to ruin my life. If I can't handle myself, how I'm supposed to deal with P'Kim?

I knocked on the clean glass door. A girl came running and opened the door greeting me inside. I don't know when my anger started to subside, but I already started to think about what to do after I joined.

To be honest, I'm still not ready to accept anything. It still breaks me thinking about that day...and last night.

Yesterday, P'Kim still helped me anyway, and dropped me to my apartment much later. He wouldn't let me stay, no matter what I tried.

But, I know what to do now.

I walked to the sofa where she gestured me to wait. I looked around, it's a huge living room kind of space with a grand piano in a corner. Everything seems in harmony with each other here, so beautifully arranged.

"Mr. Porchay!" I turned around and stood up to greet back.

"Hello I'm... Por..chay?" But my voice got stuck seeing the person in front. Is he a human?

"Hello! I'm Jasper." He shook my hand smiling at me warmly. "Ah you're still standing up! Please be seated-"

"Th-Thank-y-ou.." I sat down. Embarrassed.

Damn you Porchay, you look dumb! You can't even talk properly how you're supposed to apply for this studio? You even stuttered! I looked down at my hands, thinking about how to get out of here with my leftover dignity.

"Mr. Porchay??"

"Yes!" Shit.

"Are you feeling okay?" I nodded like a child just to assure him.

"I-I'm fine!" I stuttered again looking at his hazel eyes.

"Here-" He handed me a glass of water, I gulped it down in hopes to swallow the lump in my throat. "Good?"

I tried peeking a bit at him just to see he's blinking at me tilting his head. Ohmygosh.

"Uh.. I... I'm much younger than you.." What?! "You could just call me by my name."

"Yes? Really?" Jasper smiled at me. My goodness, how can a man be this pretty? "Nong Chay, you could consider me as a friend, well...cause I don't think I'm that old to be an uncle yet-"

Jasper put the forms in front of me to sign while talking.

"What? No no- I didn't mean that, I was just being respectful I guess-" I felt my cheeks warm up.

"Don't be nervous...I just wanted to say, be comfortable in here." I looked up at Jasper  finishing up with signing, while he put away all the files. "What do we do today? um...How about I treat you to a lunch?"

I was just nodding at whatever he was saying, "Okay..."  But as I realized what he said... "Wait what?No!"


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