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Third person POV
Last night, At the Main Family House
After Pete went out after Vegas.

Unlike Porsche, Kinn was surprised as hell by Pete's decision to resign from the Lead Bodyguard's post. Porsche knew something was fishy from the day Pete came back wearing that bloody t-shirt. But even he wasn't expecting it to be this far.

Porsche grabbed Kinn's shoulder and nodded at him as if he's trying to say "Let him take his decisions.". Kinn sighed before nodding back. Pete rushed out immediately.

Doctor is already here to check on Porsche's mom. Minor Family Guards are also captured. At least every thing is stable for the moment.

"PETE....? Ai KINN?!" Tankhun entered the room literally screaming on top of his lungs.

"Khun Noo, I told you-" Arm stopped as Tankhun glared at him. Kinn looked at Porsche, clearly Tankhun can't accept the resignation from Pete.

"How can you let him go? HE'S MY BODYGUARD!"

Tankhun was furious. After a moment, Tankhun sat down rubbing his forehead, trying to process As Kinn explained everything. At first he was the one who couldn't accept Pete, now he's so used to him that he can't let Pete go.

"Oi ARM! POL!" They both flinched at his sudden raised voice. "Go after him! Right now-"


"I KNOW! Don't talk over your big brother!" Tankhun Shut Kinn off before he could complete his sentence. "Just help my Pete get back, what if someone followed them?" He frawned as if he was about to say something else. But didn't.

"Yes!" The moment Arm and Pol was about to rush out, Porsche called out.

"Arm.... Take Both of them back.... Both Pete and Vegas." Tankhun turned around and yelled at Porsche.

"Why Vegas? Didn't that psycho do enough? Leave that shithead right there to die."

"......." Porsche just gestured at Arm who rushed out.

Porsche got up to go to his mom's room, when he heard someone yelling from outside.


Isn't it.... Porsche hurried downstairs to see Arm holding Macau in place, who's struggling to get free.

"Arm? HOW DARE YOU!" Macau snarled baring his teeth. "Know your place, LEAVE ME!" He looked like if he wasn't human he'd show baby fangs.

"Macau..." Porsche tried to sound gentle, He knows even that jerk Vegas is always nice to him. And Macau knows him as his friend, Porchay's elder brother.

"P'Porsche! What's wrong with you people I just want to see Phi! Why can't I see him? The fight is over right?"

He pushed Arm hard on the chest while finishing his line. Arm was caught off guard and fell on his back. Porsche sighed. He really is Vegas's brother.

"Didn't Vegas tell you, you're not allowed in here?"

"Fuck that!" Meanwhile Macau saw some guards was taking Nop upstairs, who shook his head at him telling him to stay quiet.

"I'll handle it here, You go first Arm." Macau looked back and forth gulping.

"Where's D..Dad? And.....Phi? P'Vegas?"

Porsche looked at Arm starting the car by instinct. Macau took it as a hint. He knows The Main Family House wouldn't be this calm if his brother was still here.

"Wait! You're tailing Phi right? I'll go with you!"

"We don't have time-" Arm insisted. Macau opened the door and got in already. "We don't have all night, HURRY!"

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