A father

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Pete's POV _____________________________


I flinched as Vegas yelled all of a sudden.

It's not just me, Vegas has been avoiding whenever I'm trying to talk about it. Either about fixing a name, or whatever will happen after s/he comes in this world. I would just normally ask him, partly wanting to hear his thoughts and see his face light up when we talk about it.

Isn't it too normal? Was I too much?

He wheeled around. I might be oversensitive nowadays. Cause it almost felt he turned his back on me. My heart clenched at the thought. He went closer to the bed, looking everywhere, but back at me.

"I need some time Pete... Gimme some time." What?

I was surprised at his response. I actually never thought about his response. To be honest it's been too hectic to think about it. But after making up, it didn't occur to me that he would think otherwise than being happy. Now that I think about it.. I probably intentionally avoided thinking any negative reaction out of fear.

Vegas ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration and sighed. Still turning his back towards me. I felt like tearing up. No Pete you can't be this weak.. I stood up immediately to get out.

"I'll.. I'll be back.."

I don't want to be like this in front of him. It happened all too sudden, maybe he just needs some time like he said. I know he loves me.

"Pete... it's...I'm scared Pete..." I stopped before touching the door knob. "I'm so fucking scared of the idea of being a father.... I know I'm gonna fuck everything up..."

"Vegas?!!" I walked closer and stood in front of him. "WTF Vegas? What are you blabbering about?"

I tried to make him look up at me. He pushed my hands away. Hiding his face in his palms. I was concerned about Vegas, I even forgot I was upset a minute ago.

"You know my father Pete. I'm the son of that very man...that Khun Kan. What The Fuck I can do right? Up until now, everything I did was just following his every order.... No matter how filthy it was.." Vegas trembled in my arms. I hugged him tight to calm him down.


"What if I fuck up too? I don't think I can be a proper Dad Pete...What will our baby think of me?" He choked on his words. Wait- Vegas .......choked?

"Shut up Vegas...Vegas!! Goodness look at me first!" This dumb ass Bastard. I pulled his face towards me and kissed his Lips. His skin was warmer than usual from all the crying.

At this point, he was getting depressed for nothing. I couldn't think of a more suitable way than that, to calm his thoughts. How the hell he thinks that? He deserves a proper smack for a fact.. I was worrying for nothing..!

The shock in his eyes was evident as I peeked once before concentrating on the make out session. The hell Vegas.. you should take the hint.

It took a moment for Vegas to respond back. He grabbed the back of my head. Now we're talking. The smack have to wait for now.. until next time.

I pulled at his hair, his head fell back. I broke the kiss after a few more seconds.

"You really almost gave me a heart attack. You're annoying.." I shook my head while standing up straight.

".....I'm serious Pete."

".......Fuck.." I helped Vegas sit on the bed. I sighed in frustration while pinching my forehead again.

"Are you sure you don't have headache??"

I smiled at the question, of course Vegas didn't catch it with my hand in front of my face. He pulled my hand away to take a look at me. But I slapped his hand off, went closer to him standing between his legs.

"Stop saying that.. what I thought was more serious than that Vegas... And you almost made me cry over it!!" Vegas blinked at me confused.

"I.... I did? Wait, what did you think??"

"Well....." I wrapped my arms around him and sniffed his neck.

"Pete....? Wait, did you think.... Pete!" Vegas stopped talking as I bit his skin gently on the neck, and whispered in his ear.

"You can't escape the responsibility even if you want to.." I looked at his face, he was back at me with eyes wide open. I smiled.


The way his voice trembled at the end, it was clear how much he's been holding in since I turned him down for the 3rd time yesterday. Vegas had his hands clenched on the sheets behind him. I smirked seeing him trying that hard not to get his hands on me. Let's see how far you can go.

I licked the slightly bruised skin on his neck which made him gróan. Pete! you're crazy...Did you forget you're in a hospital cabin? The door's probably not locked properly, I really need to stop...I'm literally waking up a beast.

I forgot everything I was thinking about the moment Vegas grabbed my thighs and pulled me up.

"Whoa- wait!" I was sitting with my legs apart, which started a friction between us. I tried to lift myself up as soon as I felt that. I won't be able to remember about his leg injury if I get overwhelmed right now.

"Pete..." But He held me in the place. Kissing the skin on my chest, my eyes widened as I felt him getting hard between my legs. You're so doomed Pete..What were you thinking leading him on..

"Vegas, Vegas wait..you have a cast on your leg-" Vegas looked up at me with hooded eyes. I felt shivers down my spine watching his pupils dilate as the woody scent filled the air, there's a clear reddish tint in his eyes.

It's too late.

My head spinned a bit when I inhaled his pheromones...it's the same as before, just like I remember. God I love this scent so bad, almost like a drug. I looked at his eyes, they're getting darker shade of red as his lust grew further.

"But ...Pete.. I really want to... But..." He looked at me concerned.

"....It's okay..as long as we don't go overboard...it's fine..." Vegas's eyes flared up in anticipation and he pulled me in a wet kiss.

"Mr. Pete? Your reports are here. I'm coming in.." The doctor knocked and opened the door right after. I flinched in fear of getting caught in 4k. Good lord...I can't even get-

My thoughts were interrupted by Vegas cursing under his breath. Furious.

"....Fuck these people."

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