Recovering hearts

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Pete's POV
At night, 10 PM _________________________

I opened my eyes, they felt heavier than before. I waited for a moment before opening them. It's the same ceiling, I suddenly remembered what I saw before passing out. Vegas?

"Put it on the table, I'll feed him after he wakes up."

"....Nop?" He turned around and seemed relieved seeing me awake.

"Pete! You missed all the meals for a day. Get up." He came forward to help me up. "Easy.. You just have to eat."

"H..How's He doing now Nop?" He stopped noticing my expression, I didn't hurry to sit up, I'm too tired for that.

"......Don't worry, He's stable for the moment-"

"Would you take me to him?" It seemed, Nop was in dilemma. I guess Nop is told not to update me on Vegas's condition. "I just need to talk."

"I'll eat it there." He thought for a moment before nodding.

Nop took me there in a wheelchair, doctor has forbidden me to walk around for now. I'm a bit impatient, but more than that, I'm desperate.

I looked around entering the cabin. The room is empty and eerily silent except for the beeping sound of the devices connected to him. Nop put the food in front of me and left. Although I have no appetite, I need my fill at this condition.

"We need to talk Vegas." I took the bowl of rice and started to eat. "We have lots of things to settle... do you think you can get over it just like this??"

Of course, there was no reply.

[His heart was not beating for a moment due to excessive blood loss, we tried to keep it beating while transfusing blood. well, his internal bleeding has stopped, but we can't say anything surely for now.]

"Doctor said..." I gulped the lump in my throat to talk. "He said it could take months ...even years for you to...get out of coma."

I put the spoon down taking a deep breath.

"Did you not feel bad...before thinking about leaving me behind? ....not even a little bit?" I looked at the person who changed everything in my life by just stepping into it.

"Did you lie to me all this time Vegas?"

Third person POV
Lunch time

Porsche couldn't come to visit since he went back to Main House last night. So, today he brought Pete lunch. He was observing Pete's behavior keenly.

Although Pete seemed calm and collected, his blank stares and empty expression didn't escape Porsche's eyes. He's concerned about his best friend.

"Oi Pete!" Pete almost choked on the soup hearing Tankhun's scream.

"Khun Noo?" Porsche looked back frawning at him in disbelief.

"You Shut up Porsche!" Tankhun walked towards Pete almost gracefully. "You don't wanna be a bodyguard... That's fine with me. I've always considered you as a brother also." Tankhun looked Pete into the eye. "Come back already!!"

"Khun Noo-" Porsche grabbed him hugging from behind. "It's his choice! Leave him alone!!"

"Oi! Stop it! You can't stop me from meeting my niece!" Pete's eyes widened as both of the other men kept arguing.

"He needs me now, I'll take care of him.." Suddenly Tankhun stopped and looked at Porsche's face with wide eyes. "Wait, I thought you were friends?" He pointed between Pete and Porsche.

"I am! And He has Vegas for taking care of- " Porsche tried to usher him out again.

"That stinky Bastard?" He yelled at Porsche. "You think he cares??! Would he be lying there peacefully taking all the time in the world like that if he did?? Wake up! That man can't care about anyone other than himself." Pete looked down at his hands.


"Ai Pete! I'll come over when this guy isn't here." Tankhun turned around and just walked out of the room.

Porsche looked back at Pete to check his reaction. Of course it's not good. Although all the things Tankhun said are universal facts, but it's not a time to discuss them. It's the reason why Porsche didn't want Tankhun to come here. He's highly driven by emotions and don't know where to express his feelings.

"Don't listen to him." Porsche sat down beside Pete. He's been awfully silent after last night. And Tankhun's words almost made him mute.

Pete just nodded in response.

Pete was recovering quicker than Porsche thought. He checks up on Pete twice every day when he can't visit. Though he's getting better physically, doctor insisted Porsche to lift Pete's mood. He's most possibly undergoing depression these days.

It'd be easy to handle if Pete still had the job, getting busy keeps anyone distracted. But Porsche can't get Pete do anything like that for now. So, he made Pete look after Macau. It's good for Pete to have something to deal with right now.

On the other side, Macau has been frustrated, Pete managed to send him back to school on the condition that he can see his brother every day, only after he comes back from school.

Meanwhile Tankhun paid a visit while Porsche was out of the town for a day. Pete come to know that Khun Korn gave the Minor Family Ring to Porsche.
Initially he thought it was a bit weird and nonsense. Why would khun Korn took away what legally belongs to Vegas? Isn't it injustice?

Anyways, he can always talk to Vegas after he wakes up.

Yes, these days, Pete has been waiting for him every hour. He mostly doesn't leave his cabin, what if Vegas wakes up and see no one's around him? Soon, Nop transferred his belongings in Vegas's cabin.

Porsche saw him smile days after, when doctor said, "He's in much better condition, he's recovering fast." He's been talking to Vegas every day while eating, did he hear his voice?
Pete POV

"All your prayers for him working out I think" Doctor smiled at me. It's real! He's gonna be fine again.

I never lost hope about it, but I was losing my patience with every passing day. It's been almost a month him being unresponsive, just sleeping like that. 27 days to be exact.

The next day, I just finished my breakfast and Macau came to see me.

"P'Pete! I don't think I can submit it today."

I made him sat down on the sofa for a moment. He sighed deeply closing his eyes. There's still time for his school to start. I gave him a glass of water, he gulped it all down and looked up.

"How long do you have? Can't you complete it before the teacher leaves?"

"What if... he marks it irregular? Some teachers are really picky.."

"Today's the last day, you're gonna submit within today- today means the whole time your teacher is staying at the campus, right?" His eyes widened and he smiled in realization.

"P'Pete! you're the best!" He jumped in to my arms, but stopped so abruptly just before hugging me.

"Macau!" That he almost fell on the floor. I grabbed his arm to balance him. "Watch out! you're gonna hurt yourself!"

"Ah... that's alright. I'm fine." He scratched the back of his head. "I almost forgot P'Pete is also recovering."

What? How did he know, wait- is it Porsche? Why'd he tell a kid like Macau about... about everything? this is embarrassing. I want to bury myself.

"Oh.. that.."

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