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He walked past me towards the sofa. "Why are you standing there?"  And took the files that I threw on the sofa not even looking at my face.

I was still in shock of what I'm witnessing.

"'re here?" He just shrugged, going through the files, and left them on the shelf carefully.

"Get freshen up. And yes, don't soak the bandages in water." He went to the kitchen again.

I just stood there like a fool. What's going on? Wasn't he supposed to be...somewhere else than here? This is the last place he can be right now.

"Chay-" I entered the kitchen, "What are you doing here?"

He turned his face towards me with a frawn. "You sure you're okay?"

"Huh?" I blinked at his question.

He continued to chop carrots roughly. "Can't you just see I'm cooking?"

"Listen Porchay, slow down you'll -" He's clearly mad at me, the last thing I want him to-

"Aouch!" I rushed closer and grabbed his hand up. He hissed in pain as the blood dripped on the floor.

Just what I thought.

"I told you, Why can't you just listen to me??" I yelled at him unintentionally while trying to wipe the blood. "Why are you always so-"

He jerked his hand out of mine violently before I could finish my line.

"Are you done?" There's a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, that I don't like. "I'm fine." He turned around and turned the stove off.


"ENOUGH!" I flinched but didn't let go of his hand still, He turned towards me. "I said I'M FINE. LEAVE ME!"

"....Wait!" I stepped back, not sure how I should react.

My eyes were still on the wound. "Are you used to everyone around you live the way you want so much?" No matter what's going on in his head, The cuts on his fingers were pretty decently big, I can't leave it like that.

"Porchay-" But before he could say anything, he swayed back touching his temple. I proceeded to grab him from falling by instinct. "Chay! What's wrong?!"

"I'm fine!..Argh!" I noticed his face was getting redder. He grabbed the back of his neck tight while groaning.

His legs gave out completely.

"Chay! What's..." Is it the.. his pheromones acting up again? Porsche didn't say much but...


"Do you have any medicine with you Chay? Where are they??" I was on the edge seeing Porchay squirm in pain.

I felt chills down my spine when he shook his head side ways in reply. Fuck, how can you leave your medicine behind. damnit!

I texted Leon to send a doctor fast, and was thinking about every possible way that could help him right at the moment.

"I'll be okay P'Kim...stop WORRYING ABOUT ME WHEN YOU DON'T CARE!" He yelled in pure frustration. "...nh..It'll go away soon anyway." Be looked away.

That means, he's been having these conditions for a while now...?

"SHUT UP!" I couldn't believe my ears, I was so mad. "WHAT TF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I'll.." Then I remembered how I helped him out at the warehouse. "Chay, look at me, take deep breaths-" I replaced his hand on his neck with mine while rubbing it softly.

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