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EUROPE, 6 in the evening.

"Don't worry, I'm not staying at the Mansion right now..but I'll go back in soon." Mei finished her report regarding the current situation back in Thailand.

"You could exchange with Leigh." The girl leaning back in the rocking chair seems indifferent, still her eyes on the file in front of her.

Mei was silent for a second. "I doubt Mr. Vegas would allow any guy in the inner mansion."

The girl frawned for a second trying to process. "..Oh." She let out a sigh. "Goodness fucking shit.." She pinched her nose bridge cursing under her breath.


She looked up at the man at the door of her study, Sebastian. He put down the tea cup in front of her, standing there taking a step back. As elegant as ever. He has a weird questioning face.

She sighed. "Alright. Keep an eye on them.......Next time don't return the kid back." She closed her eyes again leaning back.

"If you really want, like always I say, you can replace.."

"Don't pester me Sebastian, go back to your work- "

"Looking after you is my first job."

She opened her eyes, replied staring at the ceiling. "If she cared about me so much, why did she leave?" Sebastian gulped sensing her mood is a little more down than he thought.

Sebastian is her mother's aide since his childhood, she told him to take care of her only daughter before dying.

"You know she didn't leave by her will...she was forced to."

She shook her head, "Mom knew what that ..guy was up to, she could just left him...instead of giving up on her life."

"But that guy was your father, and your mom loved her husband."

"What's the use? Someone like that man.." Then she sat up straight, lifting the cup, "Everything changes. It'll pass."

Sebastian tried to defend, "but we can always focus on the present, there's different people all over the world.."

She frawned. "But He left, like all others. I asked him not to, why did he go away?"

"Maybe He didn't....leave you, he just left here.."

//Miss Labyrinth, Mr. Dyson is here, the intercom is being connected to your space. 1.. 2.. //

She put the cup down finishing the tea. "Doesn't matter." She stood up to get ready. "I'm going to lock him up next time I get my hands on him."

Back at the Vegas's Mansion

Pete flopped on his back over his bed. "Finally!"

"Pete! You're still fucking recovering what the hell-"

"Are you yelling at me??" Pete blinked at him dramatically.

"What the fucking hell Pete? Are you a child? You are father of a child get it in your head, here I'm dying trying to hold myself in place and you go injure you have any idea how long it'll take for you to recover this-"

"Are you pent up Vegas?"

"Of course- " Vegas stopped realizing what he just said, "I mean, I was... maybe."

Pete knew Vegas was having a hard time with pete being bedridden this long. It's just Vegas has a permanent partner right now, that's what keeping him grounded.

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