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Third person POV

"Khun Kim?!!"  Leon was surprised to see Kim getting ready at 1 in the morning. "Where are you-"

"Keep watch over here, I'm heading out for the weapon deal."

"'re going alone? Why didn't you call me? I'm supposed to-"

"I can handle myself Leon, and it's just a minor deal. Stay here..." He stopped before opening the door, "....Until I call that is."

Kim left Leon there confused for a moment. Leon remembered his last call with Marlon.

"Wait...!" He called Marlon in a hurry. " Hello Marlon?! Which club did you say?"

"Club Divine. Why? He's already there."






A day ago

Porsche tried to persuade Porchay once again to reconsider the proposal from Studio Stardust.

//A few days ago, Porsche received his little brother's phone. It was that Studio calling Porchay for the 5th time. Porchay was in the shower at the moment. Leaving the phone on the kitchen counter.//

But to no avail, Porchay went out to clear his head.

At a nearby cafe. Afternoon.

"Aren't you coming with us? You said you need to spend some time out.." One of his former classmates, Art, spoke.

"To the club? Time out in a club?" Porchay was hesitant.

"Of course! With all of the friends it'll be a blast!!"

"....Alright." He decided to go anyway.

He looked at the street in front. It's almost empty. Art brought his Dad's navy blue car. It was shining under the soft sunlight. His brother, Porsche also has a car for personal use. But Porchay can't drive.

"Are you going somewhere? I could drop you off on my way back."

"Nah I'm good." Porchay laughed. "My apartment is just a block away."

___next night. 10.00 PM.

Porchay looked at his classmates as they went on the dance floor, Macau said he'd be here in 20 minutes at most. Although they're of different Dept. Porchay doesn't have any friend closer than Macau. And the fact that not everyone can drop him off at his apartment or Minor Family House. Macau at the very least can drop Porchay off when they returns.

Porchay sipped on his drink. Macau even has a pretty car. They're almost same age, how can Macau drive so perfectly....ah. On second thought, all of the Theerapanyakul brothers does. And he's Vegas's brother no less.

Some of the memories flooded back while he was sipping on the drink alone.

"Are you sure P'Kim? I can't play guitar so well."

"guess I'll never know if I don't see it for myself, let's go."

"I don't know.... I'm embarrassed (whispering)"

"How are you supposed to sing in front of millions of people if you're embarrassed in front of one person?" (chuckling)

"(it's not just any person P'Kim...)"

What the hell!! Porchay's eyes widened realizing he was smiling to himself. Stop it, stop it! He grabbed his head with both hands dropping the glass on the floor, breaking it.

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