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Two days later

"Go back and make the preparations, I'll be there in..30 minutes."

"Yes."  Nop nodded and went back.

"....Mr. Vegas?"  Sierra, the nurse appointed to look after Pete, knocked gently before peeking in. "I'm here to check on him. Did he..." Vegas shook his head hopelessly while sighing.

"...No, I'd be calling you if he did."

Sierra looked at Vegas for a moment, this man has been watching over this patient since that day. She heard he's the patient's lover, but that man, Mr. Vegas, surpasses every standard for just a lover.

"...okay."  She assembled the pages on the clipboard and left.

She really envies that patient, Pete Pongsakorn.

"Pete?"  Vegas gently brushed his fingers over Pete's cheek. it's barely warm. Vegas couldn't sleep properly last few days wondering what's wrong with his Pete.

"...."  No response. It's been like this since he gave birth and passed out due to bleeding too much.

"...around the world?"

"yeah, let's have babies every year!"

".....Fuck no."  I'm not going to have another one if it's like this. "Enough resting Pete. Wake up, will you?"

Vegas looked at Pete's pale face once again, hoping Pete could listen to him. Vegas rested his head on the bed side, sighing quietly. He's happy, so much that it seems like he can die. Venice is healthy and safe, he's got pale skin with darker hair...just like his Pa. He smiled but it didn't stay long. Why does Pete not wake up?

"I'll leave you alone in here, and....take our baby away If you don't wake up." Vegas kept mumbling. "Now that you don't love me anymore, I'll-"

"What are you gonna do?"

"Go away of course." Vegas clicked his tongue not noticing,  "You always talk between my words-"  It was Pete who's talking.

Pete giggled. "...yeah?"  Vegas sprung up in his chair realizing it.


Pete was smiling at Vegas, and before he could say anything, Vegas pulled him in his arms.

"You're awake, Pete...you know Venice is here..Do you wanna seen him? Of course you want to.."  Vegas was talking so fast. "He's fine, wait let me call in the doctor!" Vegas rushed out of the cabin at once. Pete chuckled once more.

Before long, Vegas was back. He sure rushed out almost running, but he walked in as slow as he could be. With the baby in his arms, he was walking carefully, not looking away from the baby. Pete would've laughed if he wasn't too excited to welcome their baby for the first time. He took Venice in his shaky arms. There were tubes hanging from both of his hands.

"V-Vegas-" Pete's voice came out shakier than his hands. It's like he doesn't trust his arms to be able to hold the baby. Vegas put his hands under Pete's for support.

"I'm right here Pete." Pete let out a sigh of relief. "look at him, so pretty...just like you."

Pete looked up at Vegas, smiled and placed a peck on his lips. Vegas suddenly went silent.

"I missed it." Pete blinked at Vegas in confusion. The kiss?Was it that long?

"What do you...Vegas you're being a baby when you're supposed to be the father of a baby.."

"It's been two days and three nights Pete. " Pete tried to process what he just said. "You were out like a...and now you're even calling me out- haizz, " Vegas shook his head standing up.

"Vegas!" Pete grabbed his hand. "Ah-"

".....!"  Vegas turned around immediately to find a tube attached to Pete's hand got pulled. "What are you doing!?"

He made Pete lean back carefully. Pete was still trying to talk to him.

"wait- I didn't know, I thought-" Vegas kíssed his head, and licked the ear softly. "Listen to me...you! Vegas!!"

"Take rest. you'll get plenty of time to make it up to me later on anyway."  Pete's ears flushed as he understood what Vegas meant.





Somewhere in Europe

"Master." A man in black cloak came in a study where a girl was studying something.

It's a dimly lit vintage study on the edge of the mansion. She was flipping through the pages of a file. Not looking up, She gave him a little nod and he started to speak.

"Mr. Pete gave birth to a son, named Venice. Both of them are healthy at the moment. Mr. Vegas is on another meeting this evening. This is the 4th meet up this week."

The girl closed the file, walked up to the window and looked out. The man was still kneeling looking down. She sipped on the cup of tea she was holding.

"He's getting busier, I guess it's time."

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