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Third person POV

Vegas frawned at Pete as he closed the door after Macau went out in a hurry.

"Why'd you let him go out with that boy?" Pete noticed Vegas wasn't looking at his laptop screen anymore.

"Who? Porchay? Don't talk about him like that..not when he's such a good boy..." Vegas closed his laptop.


He stayed silent for a moment, Pete looked back at him. He put down the clothes he was folding seeing Vegas opening his arms. Pete went closer to him and sat between his legs, Vegas wrapped the blanket around Pete.

"I got stuff to do Vegas." Pete leaned back.

"Take some rest first." Pete giggled. Vegas was moving extra cautiously.

"What are you thinking....?" Pete asked sensing Vegas get tense.

"What if.....what if he seduces Macau?"



"WTF Vegas?!! he's a kid! Don't sexualize everything!! Not everyone's brain function same as yours! Jeez..!" Pete punched on his chest facing him.

"Whoa wait-"

"I can't believe it!" Pete tried to get out of the blanket, but Vegas held him in place.

"That's not a problem for me...when you don't seem to hate it." Pete closed his eyes feeling the shivers as Vegas whispered in his ears.





Almost midnight___At the club

Porchay POV

I was in a confusion why they're evacuating the club in a hurry as soon as I came outside. Just then I heard some noises.

My skin got goosebumps realizing it was gunshots. I can't mistake it now.. I've heard enough if it.

My eyes scanned everywhere around for the exit. I won't deny, I was starting to panic.

Where are you Macau?

"LEAVE ME!" I snapped feeling some one pulling me in a corner. "Who..phi?" I stopped looking at the person.

"P'Kim...??" My voice was almost inaudible as his name escaped my līps.

"What are you doing here at this hour?! Come on, Get out of here."

He was taking me out I guess. But the way he yelled at me, hit me in the right place. I jerked his hand off of me. I'm so mad at this guy.

"I can go out by myself. Leave me." I glanced at him before turning away.

He looked surprised for a moment, I almost wanted him to stop me by force. Damn you Porchay! How can you still think about him like that..

"Chay..." He stood in front of me, "I ..."

"BOSS!" I heard someone scream, P'Kim perked up and pulled me behind him before shooting a series of bullets. Wait, what's going on?!

"Hayan! block them-" He pulled my arm taking me somewhere. Did some one attacked P'Kim? Are they trying to get something from him.......or worse do they want to KīLL him?

Third person POV ________

"Looks like I was right, this "Khun Kim" a human after all." Reynolds, The lead of this ambush, smirked watching Kim from upstairs.

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