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A few days later
Third person POV

Since Kim took stern decisions about certain things before going to Romania, he has been more secretive than anxious. Leon didn't like it from the beginning.

He tried to break through Kim's plans, he had a rough idea of what's going on. But as always he failed. It's Kim, and if he has labeled anything confidential, it's gonna be like that till he decides otherwise.

Leon might be Kim's head bodyguard, but it's  more than that. From his place, he can't interfere in Khun Korn and Khun Kim's decisions. But he's gonna do all he can to protect Kim. For whom his family is now living a beautiful life.

"Did he agree?" Kim asked seeing Leon entering the living room.

"....Yes." Leon started to assemble the files Kim went through.

"Tell Sam to be alert always. And...." Kim sat down and thought something before continuing, ".....did he talk to... Ch- Porchay?"

"Mr. Porchay isn't receiving calls for now."

Kim leaned back closing his eyes and rubbed his temple. Leon went to the kitchen and returned with a mug, putting it down on the glass table in front of him with a clank. He intentionally made the sound so that Kim would look at it.

"....Oh!" Kim chuckled to see the coffee. "Thanks Leon."

Leon just stood there. This isn't like his boss, Kim must be thinking about a lot of things in his head. He's been switching moods faster than usual lately. Kim might not think it through, but Leon noticed it.

"You're employing Marlon to look after Porchay..... What if Porchay starts to like him?" Kim stopped sipping, blinking at the coffee.

Marlon is Leon's early acquaintance, more like an Younger brother- that he took in before he came to Thailand. He didn't want to get Marlon involve in the mess of underworld, so he left him back in Europe in the same county where his family resides. But Marlon has always been stubborn, he wanted to help Leon, working alongside him.

At first Leon didn't want to, but after the time Marlon got attacked by some unknown people, he had to reconsider everything.

Leon couldn't find anyone more trustworthy than him around Porchay to keep him safe when Kim's not around.

"He won't.....will he?" Kim started to sip on the coffee again.

"I don't know. Are you sure?"

Marlon isn't like that, but he has a face to charm both men and women. Leon deliberately put it like that, so Kim would hesitate to leave Porchay behind. Either way he just wants Kim to go anywhere but on the trip to Romania. And as an option, Porchay is more than the best. He has seen the expression in Kim's eyes when Porchay was around, he seemed so different.

"Then... It should be okay...... didn't you say Marlon is a good person?" Kim put the mug down and stood up. ".....I'm going out for dinner."

Kim stormed out of the room not waiting for Leon to reply. Leon bowed anyway. He stood there like that for a while, thinking of another way to stop Kim. There's not enough time after all.
Porsche's POV

I've taken a day off. Actually there's no way to take a day off, to be frank. I'm concerned about Chay's mental health. He's becoming awfully silent, it's not like him. And it's exactly not healthy to bottle up everything inside...

I was thinking about everything going on lately as I walked towards his room with lunch tray.

Usually I'm the one who's always thinking negative and stressed, he's been calming me down with the brightest smile. Everytime I'd freak out about anything, he'd believe in me without closed eyes.

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