Leather box

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Third person POV


"Please phi, I know what you mean. Can you just leave me alone for a moment?"

"What...Chay, I didn't-"

"I'll go back after P'Kim wakes up. Please!" Porsche stopped talking as Porchay turned his back on him immediately after finishing.

"Okay. Call me, I'll pick you up."

"Okay." Porchay closed the door after him without looking back.

Porsche sighed before going out.

Later that day, Kim started to regain his consciousness. He saw Porchay sitting on the couch when he looked in front.

He was so lost in thoughts, that he didn't didn't even notice Kim moving on the bed...until Kim let out a faint groan in pain while trying to sit up.

"P'Kim!? Don't get up-" Porchay rushed to help him in a trance.

Kim started to look for something as Porchay kept observing him in confusion.

"What are you doing?"

"My phone-"

"That...that's with Leon. It was a bit broken. He's fixing it."

"........What day is it?"

"It's been just 28 hours and...it's 4 PM now." Porchay turned around to get some water.


Porchay was excited, but his excitement died down remembering the situation between them. And Kim, he doesn't know how to talk to the person in front of him. He started fidgeting in anxiety, nothing's been so complicated for him so far.


"I ...uh..Did you not go back?" Porchay was about to go out to inform the doctor about Kim. "Porsche might-"

"Don't worry, I'm not here for the reason you're thinking." Kim shivered, gulping the lump in his throat. "I'll be going back since you're alright."

"...." Kim stayed silent.

"And stop pretending to be someone you're not."

The last line hit Kim in the right place, Kim flinched as Porchay closed the door behind him. Pretending to be someone I'm not...

Kim leaned back closing his eyes, thinking the nastiest mistake he did, by breaking the person's heart which he was supposed to cherish. Now, he'll never be the same towards Kim. It feels weird. Weirdly upsetting.

"Khun Kim-"


"Your phone."

"Leave it here." Kim was still covering his eyes with his arm. Leon left right after in a rush .

Leon came out of the hospital looking everywhere for Porchay. He finally found him near the entrance. Porchay was on a phone call.

"Por- Khun Porchay!" Porchay stopped and turned around right after he heard Leon.

"What happened.. everything's okay??" He thought something's probably wrong with Kim.

"Khun Kim-" He realized they're out in public. " uh...Could you please come with me to Khun's apartment,he needs some clothes...He..He doesn't really allow anyone else in his bedroom.."


Leon tried to lie about it. Porchay shouldn't know what stuff a bodyguard has access to right?

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