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Third person POV

Macau ran towards the crashed car along with worried Arm and Pol.


Although Vegas was covered in blood, Arm was more worried about his friend, Pete, as he didn't know what made Pete faint. Macau was shocked to  see Pete unconscious.

"We need to ......move fast."

"Phi......Pete? P'Pete!! What happened to P'Pete?!"

Arm moved Pete from the side of the car as Macau called out. He was covered in blood as well. Arm sniffed in a sharp smell soon. Both Arm and Pol looked at the girl who was still trying to get Vegas out of the mess.

"Arm isn't it- " Pol couldn't get to finish his line.

"There's a car down there-"

An explosion followed the other guard's voice as the car in the water under the bridge exploded. The guard there took a few steps back in reflex. Arm's eyes widened in realization.

"You!" The girl turn to Arm. "get Pete on the car back there."



Pol started to lift as soon as Arm yelled, Macau was holding Pete. The other two guards accompanying were helping them, but were utterly confused, why they're helping Vegas instead of taking Pete to the hospital. And who's that female guard even?

But Arm recalls what Porsche said clearly.

"Arm.... Take Both of them back.... Both Pete and Vegas." (Porsche)

"Okay, MOVE!"

All of them got on the car to leave for the hospital, except two additional guards. They're left there to take care of the mess. Arm doesn't know what's up with Pete and Vegas, but as Porsche told him to take back both of them, that means there's something important.
In the car..

"Phi.... P'Vegas..."

It was evident that Macau was trying not to cry on the spot. It was hard, specially seeing his brother in that condition, the brother who has been loving him for his mother's part also. Protecting him like his own child. Even though he heard about their father's death news a bit ago, he wasn't this disheveled like he is now. He looked like an orphan to Arm.

"How you know him?" There were only Arm and Macau in the back of the car with Vegas. Pete was in the car in front with Pol.

"Phi? ..P'Pete....? He... He was with P'Vegas in- the Minor House....For.. a while..."


Although Macau almost spilled 'safe house', he changed the topic as fast as he could. Arm also thought he was stuttering because of the situation he's in, Macau is barely adult after all. Macau knows Arm is one of the closest friends of Pete, he still couldn't say anything. Who knows what's going on between them, Phi seemed depressed for days.. He doesn't want to worsen things.

"Phi introduced me to P'Pete then... He treated me like a younger brother... just like P'Vegas." Arm nodded.

Macau looked away. He was still holding Vegas's hand, as some memories flashed before his eyes.
He knows his Phi likes P'Pete, to the point he was ready to go against their father. And although he's a good guy, P'Pete also likes him. He thought everything was going okay after he saw Vegas taking care of Pete, but he didn't know that was the silence before the storm. Macau wasn't aware of the ambush either.

How am I supposed to, Phi you never let me get involved, while you yourself is so deep down the dirty water, that it's flowing over your head..

"It'll be okay Macau."

Macau let the tears stream down, holding Arm as he patted his back. Within 5 minutes, The driver stopped in front of the hospital.

// 30 minutes past 3 am.

Dexter was feeling uneasy the moment he was called upon in the study. Oen is taking care of his Boss, Athens, almost as if she has a high fever. Cold compresses and all, His Boss is still looking crazy mad for some reason.

"I want all the information on those who intruded the plan. You're setting off right now."

"Yes Boss-"

"Are you really not going there yourself?" Dexter flinched when Sebastian spoke in between, Athens hates getting interrupted. He was looking back and forth.

"Sebastian." Oen got anxious as Athens stood up taking her legs out of the hot water tub.

"Master!! Don't..."

"You're supposed to help Dexter set off at the moment, not lecturing me on unnecessary things."

She walked out of the study with a furious expression. It seemed like she was going to kill some one. But there's something Dexter noticed, his Boss was having trouble walking straight.

"......Sir? What's.... going on with Boss..?"

Sebastian sighed shaking his head. He's almost 45 this year. He has been with her since she was born. Of course he knows her. She's frustrated. More than that, she's angry.

"She can deal with it herself.... Let's go now, shall we?"

Pete POV
At a VIP hospital cabin

By the time I woke up, it was 5 in the afternoon. I tried to sit up hurriedly remembering last night, wait, was it last night? I looked around for my phone.

"Hey!! Don't get up like that!" Porsche? "Lie down properly-"

"Vegas...?" His face twisted at the moment I mentioned Vegas's name. "Porsche? Where's He? What happened to him??"

"........." His silence is killing me.

"Porsche!" Enough, I started to get out of the bed.

"Whoa! Wait-" Porsche tried to hold me down on bed. I jerked off his hand in a fit of anger.


"He's fine." I tried to process what I heard.

"Really? He's out of danger? What did the doctor say??" Wait, why do I need to be on the hospital bed, I'm not injured. "Let me go check on him first.."

".........Pete." I stopped hearing Porsche's voice, he spoke pretty harshly. "What's going on?" I turned towards him.

"About What...?"

"I asked about you, of course. What more are you hiding from me?" More? I just didn't tell you about the safe house. Did you hit your head too?!

"What's with me? I'm fine."

You want me to tell you how that Bastard tortured me so that you can go after him with a loaded gun? My ass. I rolled my eyes thinking about it.

"So there's nothing going on?"

"Whatever are you trying ask? Did yo hit your head too?? ......What?!"

"....You're pregnant." I stumbled at his words while turning towards the door.


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