illegally possessive

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[After the meeting, on the other side.]
Pete POV

Nop had made me two cups of tea after I finished the rice. He handed me three tablets, they're probably painkillers and... I don't know. I still can't believe Vegas cooked all of them, it tasted good..

After taking the medicines, I tried to think everything through properly. I failed to die, I failed to escape. And now I've even... Wait! I ran into the washroom.

"Thank God..."

I sighed in relief after checking everywhere on my body for any suspicious mark. Thank God he didn't mark me. I don't know why I'm not devastated after last night. According to my mindset, I should be wanting to suicide. I looked at the mirror again.

Probably staying here with him, after all the torture and humiliation... I got toughened up. I sighed again before going to bed. Maybe it was sunny day today outside, it's almost afternoon now. I was wondering what's going to happen next, so many days passed.. Did Porsche find out I was missing? Is he looking for me ? That guy, although he came much later than Arm and Pol, he's my closest friend right now. Khun Kinn is so lucky to have him-

After some time

I opened my eyes hearing some one talking outside. when did I fall asleep...?

"I'm sorry, the area is not open for anyone other than Khun Vegas."

I recognized Nop's voice. Who's he talking to? It was silent for a while, I got up and looked around for the water bottle. I was wondering if some one here, there's usually no one else in this house apart from Vegas and his selected guards. And nowadays no one's allowed except for Nop. I noticed the back pain relieved a bit, and my pheromones were getting stabler. I don't feel so sick like before anymore.


Vegas? I turned to take a look, Vegas wasn't here in this room for the whole day. Wait- it's not him.

"Who are you?"

I frawned at the person as I felt myself guarding up against him. He looked at me with wide eyes, probably because I was in chains, wearing only one pair of shorts, on a bed- which is a nuisance right now. Vegas made Nop make the bed yesterday, but last night.. he ruined it himself.

"You're......" He checked out the room and looked back at me with a sickening smirk, "So.. Vegas Theerapanyakul has fetishes like this as well."

"What do you mean?" I forgot about the ripped cōndom packs scattered round the bed. I got shivers as he walked towards me, I feel nauseous all on a sudden. "What TF are you doing? Stop. Who let you in? Get lost."

"My gosh, even his slaves are as fierce as him- he's really something else."

I could smell him from where I was sitting, I'm not in a shape to fight him right now. Something snapped in my head as I realized why I'm feeling sick suddenly.

"Get out!"

I tried to sound as strong as possible, that fucker, if he'd let anyone in, why'd he left me without anything to defend myself.. To my horror, that man grabbed my chin to lift my face towards him. My head spinned at his intense pheromones. He's an Alpha.

"No wonder he caged you, you're pretty.. and the scent is quite fascinating." I jerked off his hand off my face. The chains on my hands weren't tight anymore.

"Asshōle-" I kicked him in the gut, he stepped back to balance.

"You!" He grabbed my neck in anger, "Stop being to dramatic, he won't think twice if I want you in exchange instead of.." What shītty deal exchange is he talking about?  His hand was on my neck. I feel really sick. Where the fuck is that bastard?

"I said, LEAVE ME-" I swayed as I got up from bed, "GET LOST!"  When he couldn't make me give up- he started to spill his pheromones intentionally. "STOP IT, LEAVE ME-"

The person in front of me was laughing, my head started to hurt. Where's he? This asshōle still grabbing my hand- Suddenly he released my hand with a jerk. I almost fell over. I heard two loud bangs.

As the pheromones started to subside, I tried to open my eyes to see what's going on. That man from earlier was on the floor, blood was dripping from his nose and he was holding left side of his ribs. He was clearly trembling is fear looking up at .......Vegas?


My voice broke as I tried to call out, He didn't reacted the slightest. He stood up, stepped on the man's chest and grabbed his right hand. The man started to beg for mercy but he didn't even spare a second.

"Vegas?!" He didn't listen this time either. He was moving like he was hypnotized. Does he not hear me?

"AARGHH!-" My eyes widened as Vegas broke the man's hand and strangled him with his bare hands.

"How dare you." Vegas sounded primal as he snarled at the man crying in pain. "Did you forget where you were?" I couldn't find any courage to talk to this Vegas. I've never seen him this angry, he's looking like a possessed Demon. "Who said you could spill your filthy pheromones on him?"

"I'm.... I'm.... you're not gonna get the deal if you,  if you kill me.... I'll-" The man stopped talking as Vegas took out his gún. "y-you- I'm begging you, please-"


Vegas shot him in the head. I couldn't stand up any more, my legs gave out. I flopped on my knees and before I could touch the floor,

"Pete!" He grabbed me. "Ai Pete! Look at me, what happened?"

"....." I didn't respond, I was feeling so exhausted. I killed fair share of people before, but I never felt so weak in my life.

"Ai Pete!" Vegas seemed nervous. suddenly I noticed the smell irritated me was gone, it was replaced by a familiar scent. I was being so comforted that I drifted off to sleep.


Vegas POV

"Ai Pete!"

No matter how many times I call him, he won't open his eyes to look at me. His eyes remained shut increasing my worry. What's wrong with him- I tried to calm him down with my pheromones. He should be fine with mine. His cheeks are so red, is he still uncomfortable? I was so mad, I should've checked on him first. That asshōle could wait a bit to get killed.

"Don't just stand there!" Nop came in hearing the gunshot I guess. "Prepare a troop of 4, take over."


I can tell he's waiting for me to punish him. I don't know how did that asshōle made Nop go away, I don't even want to know. It's gonna make me mad again.

"You are not allowed to attend him from now." As I was talking, he was standing behind me. I stood up holding unconscious Pete in my arms.

"Khun... what to do about it?"

Nop pointed at the dead body lying on the floor with it's right hand bended awkwardly.

"burn it." I left.





Hi! This is Peony in behalf of the author.
She had exam this week and she's sorry for the late update. As an apology she sent me draft of two chapters together. I'm giving this notice in this chapter with her permission. FYI I'm her bestie in action & her Biggest fan✨ She doesn't really permit me to praise her, but I'll say
She's a beautiful soul with a awesome brain. Do support and love her as she deserves it. 🤎🤎

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