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Third person POV

/"Do what you're told, Keep reporting."/

"Yes master."   The guard stopped in her tracks as she turned hanging up the phone.

"Mei, is it?"  Vegas was calm.

She took a deep breath, "Yeah."  Vegas turned around.

"Follow me."  Mei followed him silently.

Vegas was heading towards his study. For mei, this isn't the first time she got caught up in situations like this, but it's Vegas and the uneasy feeling about what's going to happen next is always there.

On the other side, Everything was falling into right places for Pete. It seemed the happiest part of his life. Vegas isn't really used to feel this way, but he's trying to figure himself out. For one thing, Vegas gets a little skeptical if everything's going too good for him.

Days passed swiftly. Three weeks later, it was time for Pete to get released. Vegas did try to clear his schedule for this day beforehand, but he got stuck in a unexpected call from the main house. He was pissed,  afterall he told Pete to wait for him to come to pick him up.

Porsche POV , at the hospital

"I'll be off then."  Pete looked at me. "What's with that face, you know what I meant by going back with me...I didn't mean you and that guy break up or something."  I blurted out everything at once.

Pete chuckled. "I know! I'll be fine trust me-"

"We still didn't figure out who's keeping tabs on you, or Vegas. It's fine if it's Vegas, I don't want you to get involved with his mess in this condition."  Pete shook his head.

"It's going to get worse if I don't get back home right now. You know Vegas."  I cursed under my breath.

"But the-"

Pete say before me, "I'll keep you updated on what happens, Arm will try to figure it out while I'm back."  I sighed in defeat.

"Okay....I'll be coming over if something goes downhill I'm telling you."

Pete nodded, "Whenever you want."  smiling right after.  "I'll be waiting then." I stopped. I was going to say something. Something about staying safe and being careful- but I think that's not necessary.

"Tsk." Maybe I've been thinking too much. "Okay then."

He's always happy, but I've never seen him like this. He's happy..To have that psychopath? I shook my head in disbelief while heading back to the parking lot.

Getting on the car, I started the engine. It seemed like just a few days ago Pete managed to escape back, breaking free from that safe house. There were scars all over his body, of the torture he got. I was railed to the point I wanted to take that beast's life right then.

To think about it now, I think I know why Pete didn't speak a word against that man. I knew that it was Vegas for a fact, and it felt like there's something Pete was hiding that had happened.

My guess was right, but it was on totally different level.

Could it be Pete was into that jerk from the beginning? I shook my head to shake off the thoughts. Fuck. His actions wasn't even close to humane.

But Pete seems happy though. And that jerk also seems to act rational when it's about Pete. I sighed in relief. As long as Pete is okay.


Back at the hospital
Third person POV

After finishing up with packing, Pete sat down to have some water. Just then Venice woke up from sleep. Pete went to the cradle smiling.

"Venice? We're going home.." Pete stopped for a moment, picked Venice in his arms smiling at him. "We're going to see Dad today, you're missing him already?"

"We'll be heading back within half an hour."  Pete flinched at the sudden voice, "Nop...? Where's Vegas?"

"Khun couldn't manage to get out, he'll be busy till Evening today."  Pete shook his head.

"I told him not to rush, who listens to me anyway. Whatever." Pete turned around to point at the bags, but it was taken out already. 

Nop held the door open for him. "He tried to get out for an hour at least, but guess the client was a bit nosy, Mr. Kinn was also persistent." Pete frowned.

"Do they know about me? Me and Vegas?" He knows only thing Vegas finds nosy is questions about his personal life and Pete. They're still not official in front of the world for a fact.

"They seemed so. They were talking about the-pretty-guard-that-was-khun last time." Pete giggled stepping out of the elevator.

"Am I now?"  Nop smiled as well. "And that ticked Vegas off, right?"

Nop nodded again. "You know him best."  Pete's eyes softened at his words.

"That I do." Nop got in the driver's seat as Pete got on the back. "How is he doing by the way, he hasn't visited since yesterday morning."

"That...I'm taking you back an hour before scheduled time, so you'd spare me from Khun Vegas for today." Pete looked at Nop raising an eye brow.

"Seriously, is he going harsh on you all again?" Nop started driving.

"He's been losing it since Mr. Kinn called him for the unscheduled meeting. They had a call, I partly thought he'd go to Main House right then.. thankfully he didn't."

"Aeishh.." Pete stopped as if remembering something, "ah, what about the other cars going with us?"

"That..it's just two more cars, nothing else."  Pete narrowed his eyes at Nop. "Okay, it's guards, just guards for security."

Pete rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, no one knows I'm getting released today, no one even knows I'm his.."  Pete tried to say something, maybe, Lover? Boyfriend? Father of his child? Pete's cheeks flush red.

"That's not a good point Khun Pete." Nop tried to lighten the mood.

"Goodness Nop-" Pete laughed out loud. "Alright alright, focus on the road." Pete found it funny to get flustered over things like that, specially after coming so far.

"I'm already- UGH! PETE!" The car shook up violently as something bumped into it.

Pete's grip on Venice tightened, "ARGH! I'm fine.."  he turned back, to see one of the cars of guards was upside down.

Pete looked around,"Hang on.." Nop sped up, trying to change the lane, but soon the other way was blocked as well.

"Nop..."  Pete gulped as pure terror filled his senses. "Why are we being followed Nop..."

Nop took another turn to dodge the cars coming after them, "I don't know.. I'll try to avoid, you call Khun Vegas- Ah!" Another bump, Pete's phone fell down from his hand.

Nop stepped on the break to avoid hitting a electric pole, "Nop! My phone!" Pete was getting panicked. Nop pulled out his gun,  "What in the.."

His words were cut short as he turned towards his right.

"NOP!" There was a Mercedes, speeding right at them. "START THE CAR NOP, START IT! MOVE!!"

"Yes." Pete stared at the Mercedes wide eyed as it got scary close by second.

"Please no....please.."

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