The attack

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Vegas POV

I stopped running for a moment after reaching the swimming pool. What now, Why did you have to go there before me? Pa... I didn't forgive you for all the shitty things you did to me...or us. Both me and Macau... And her. But you left before... Before it's time.


I screamed out to relieve some of the frustration rising inside my chest. I looked around before running towards the main gate.. where my car is parked.

"VEGAS.....!" Pete? why's he here-


I feel a lump in my throat as I replied. My car was already on the street as I yelled at him to get back. I already failed a load of stuff, again and again. I need to keep him out of this.

"Don't, VEGAS WAIT!"

I didn't stop. I can't afford to. And as expected of Pete, he got on another car, speeding after me. God-damnit. My head was giving me pain as I frantically tried to think of a way to make Pete go back. I took out my phone and called him. My hand is trembling at the moment. Thinking everything that could go wrong.

"Hello Vegas!? Stop the fucking car Vegas you're speeding too much- "

"Listen to me, You... You have to go back Pete..... .... ....Macau-"


"....He is alone back in the Minor Family House, you have to get there right now. Keep him safe." I couldn't think of anything better.

"He's.. alone..? Right now.. No- you stop the car first. I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE YOU HEAR ME?? "

"PETE! ...... Pete please..." Seeing him in the review mirror, my eyes got hot with tears threatening to spill down.

I've caused him more than enough pain, you've to take care of yourself Pete, I'm afraid, I can't.

"Vegas slow down at least, listen to me-" My eyes widened as two more cars emerged from behind Pete's car. They're here! I sped up again by instinct.

"The fuck VEGAS!"
Pete POV

I kept screaming my lungs out calling out his name. But he kept speeding up. What the hell is going on in his head, why'd he just run out and drive off like that? As these thoughts were going through my head, suddenly my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

"Listen to me, You... You have to go back Pete..... .... ....Macau-"


".... He is alone back in the Minor Family House, you have to get there right now. Keep him safe."

"He's.. alone..? Right now.." wait- wtf is he spouting? He's lost it completely if he thinks I would listen to his nonsense in this situation. "No- you stop the car first. I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE YOU HEAR ME?? "

That fucker, I know something's up and he wants me to keep myself out of it. But- I can't leave him be like that, he's not in his right mind.

"PETE! ...... Pete please..."

Sorry Vegas. I'm not listening. Before I responded, I saw two cars drive past me through my left and right side. Are they back ups? Did Khun Noo sent them- But then I noticed the unfamiliarity that those cars radiates, and the drivers are awfully insane to speed up like that to catch up with... With Vegas??!

I remembered I was on a call with Vegas, after checking, it was long disconnected. It is maybe hitting midnight right now, I saw him taking a sharp turn, I remember this road leads to a high bridge.

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