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Porsche POV

"Don't you dare, you know his condition-" I was surprised by Kinn, He wants Pete to go with us to the bar? Are you really the Kinn I know?

"He's the lead bodyguard Porsche, It's a big deal and he won't agree even if I tell him to rest right now."  I don't know what to say anymore. I know something's up with the goldmine dealers and The meeting IS important. "Porsche." Kinn called out seeing me going silent.

"Do whatever you feel right." I got up to get ready.

"Won't he keep over thinking if we leave him alone?"

I took out my clothes from our shared closet while contemplating everything. Not only me, everyone can tell who held Pete hostage for last two weeks. But Kinn isn't a person to cover up for a bāstard like Vegas, I wonder what's going on.

"Right, I'll get him ready." I turned around to nod at Kinn. He won't stop bothering me if I don't assure him.

"Okay." He smiled before getting out of the room.


Pete's POV
Pete's bedroom

I looked at the person in the mirror in front of me as I was getting ready for tonight's meeting. The scars are fading. From the look of it, some marks will be left still. 39 hours, Things are going on like they were supposed to be. Everything's gonna be fine just as before. I reloaded my gún and headed out.

Even though I don't have the spirit as before, I had to hold on to the courage to move on. Everything's gonna be fine.


At the bar

"It was a good day Mr. Anakin.."

Khun Kinn gave a stern smile, guess he's gonna be our business partner from now on. I'm partly waiting for this thing to wrap up quick. I'm getting tired. Tired? What the hell Pete, you're the head bodyguard.. I guess I should get demoted for the time being.

"Indeed it was." He stood up, "So, See you at the company Mr. Harrison." The man stood up as well with his assistant and proceeded to leave.

"Oi Kinn! Aren't you done with him yet-" Khun Noo entered the VIP launge yelling, He's as energetic as ever. "How long do we have to wait for you old guys to finish the boring part? We're supposed to have a celebration here-"

"khun No-" Porsche tried to interrupt.

"Don't be always involved in the boring shīt Otherwise Porsche will get tired of your busy āss soon." Khun Kinn blinked at him confused.

"Phi- Stop it!" Porsche stopped abruptly hearing Kinn. He's barely holding his laughter in.

"Oi! Learn to respect your elders, don't talk back to me!" Khun Noo glared at Khun Kinn before coming to me. "Tonight's celebration is to welcome our Pete back." I tried to smile as heartily as possible at everyone around.

It took a moment for everyone to start enjoying the party. I was thinking, they looked so happy to have me back. I always thought I didn't any value in here- even if I was the lead bodyguard, I wasn't sure they would go out to find me. Yes, I fled and came back by myself. But they were missing me, I'm not as invisible as I thought.

I went to Porsche to tell him that I needed to go out for a moment to get some air. He nodded at me and gave me 5 minutes. I managed to walk out through the back door alone after convincing Porsche he can't come along I just want a breather. I looked around, the environment here is much calmer than the insides. Of course because it's a bar, it's supposed to be packed up like that always.

"You smoke too?"

I froze holding the cigārette in my hand. As I turned around to see who's talking, I was standing face to face with an unknown person.

"Who are -"

"Yeah you don't know me." Then fūcking tell me about you? I hate this kind of people.

"Who are you?" I asked again and he snickered, suddenly getting close to me. I stepped back on instinct.

"Aren't you the bodyguard? From the Minor Family House? I thought there's Main House shit going on in there..." I frawned as I reached for my gun in my back. "No, not that.." He tried to grab my hand, I dodged and punched him to knock him out. He was caught off guard but just for a moment.

"Hah-" He's got good reflexes. I gotta inform Khun Kinn.

"No wonder you're the lead one." He was in front of me, but I got hit from behind. WTF!

"ARGH- FŪCK!" There's another one, I couldn't inform them, what if these are assassins waiting to get in?

"Boss is gonna regret, I don't think it's the one."

"Are you sure, Boss told us to get one of the closest bodyguards... I saw him with that psycho before."

What? Psycho?!

"I don't care as long as I get paid enough."


Vegas POV

I didn't even think twice before heading in. Kinn is supposed to be here tonight, Pete must be here with them. I need to see him.

Last night he knocked me out and ran away. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep since. I'm going fūcking crazy. I saw Porsche near the back door talking to Yok, The bar owner. While I'm thinking about if I should just go to talk to him, Porsche saw me.
He seemed angry at first, then sent Yok away before heading towards me. Did Pete tell him everything? Well if he did, it's normal for Porsche to be mad at me. Even I am.

"Bāstard!" Porsche Punched me on the face.


"It's for Pete." Then started to talk grabbing my shirt. "Do you think I won't know what you did if Pete didn't tell me?" Pete..... didn't?

"Porsche, I'm not here to-"

"I don't care why you're here-" He left my collars, "LEAVE!" He pushed me and I hit the wall behind me. Meanwhile Arm yelled from inside.

"PORSCHE! DID YOU FIND HIM BACK THERE?" I looked at him frawning.

"Who are you looking for?"

Porsche didn't reply. I don't know who's it, but my brain went through every possible scenarios I don't want to happen. Porsche looked back at me irritated.

"What do you want?" He was disgusted, "I told you to leave-" And I don't care.

"Where's Pete? I'm here for him."

"Pete? Whatever the fūck you have to talk to Pete about?!"

"I SAID TELL ME!" Fuck Porsche, My patience is running thinner. "WHERE'S HE?" Porsche flinched, he ran his hand through his hair in frustration before replying.

"We're looking for him."

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