Someone like me

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Porsche POV


I stopped hearing Arm from inside. I looked back at the bastard in front of me, it'll be a huge mess if he finds out about his disappearance right now.

"Who are you looking for?"  I was about to snap at him but stopped looking at his face. Vegas seemed.... Concerned?

"What do you want?"  I was getting mad, Whatever he's here for, that doesn't change what he did to Pete. I pushed him backwards, hinting that he should get out of here if he doesn't want any trouble. "I told you to leave-"

"Where's Pete? I'm here for him."  I was surprised, so darn persistent. He wasn't threatening at this point, he was just asking. About the person he tortured almost to death? I want to pull his eyes out of his face with my own hands.

"Pete? Whatever the fuck you have to talk to Pete about?!"  He's asking for Pete to me?

I was so angry at him, I kept being abusive to Vegas. But he still was being patient until..

"I SAID TELL ME!"  I flinched at his sudden raised voice. His eyes were different until now, Vegas was staring at me like he's trying too hard to keep himself from slamming my head in wall behind me. "WHERE'S HE?"

This time I stepped back from him. I'm just being cautious. I looked away in guilt, I should've kept an eye on Pete.

"We're looking for him."

"......"  His nostrils flared while breathing, he was silent for a moment. "He was trying every fucking miserable way to get here?"  I looked at him.

I do know that this is the very man who tortured Pete for two weeks. I don't care nor want to know why's he looking for Pete at the moment, but I'm sure with his resources, locating Pete would be easier. Everything to find out Pete's whereabouts at the moment.

"It's... It's- Actually we weren't-"

"Have some sense of shame and Shut that useless mouth of yours."  I blinked at him humiliated. Damn it Vegas I want to cooperate! "Move!"

"VEGAS...!..You- listen to me first!"

"SHŪT THE FŪCK UP- IT'S YOUR FŪCKING FAULT!"  He got closer to my face and poked at my forehead. He was trembling with anger. "FUCK OFF!"  I didn't try to reason after this. It wouldn't get through his head , he's literally fuming.

I let him walk out hearing someone approaching.
I moved fast, Arm went to Main Family House already to track Pete's phone down. I sent everyone else back too..... before going back.

A few kilometers from the bar,

"No damnit!"

"Khun Vegas-"

"I'll go with you"  I found Vegas along with Nop almost in the middle of nowhere.

"Are you god-damned deaf?"  This Bastard started acting up again. Nop went back while calling for a backup group. "Or my words don't get through that thick ass skull?"  I was right, he was being nice for a reason back then. I can't believe once this guy tried to hit on me. Goodness.

"Pete is my best friend!"

"Did you fucking forget about it when he went missing?"  I closed my eyes to calm myself down.

"Vegas please. We have to find him out fast. You what happens to abducted people."

Vegas stopped. Looked everywhere except my eyes before taking a deep breath.

"You should be able to track him down."

"His phone location is in the middle of nowhere, I guess they threw it out."

"....Fuck." I started to think any way possible. When suddenly he spoke. "...I've another way."


At a warehouse belongs to the GoldenEstates
Third person POV

Pete looked up at the man standing in front of him in dispair. This isn't what he thought about, he's doomed.

"I'm not, I don't work for the Minor Family."  Pete tried to reason with the man for the last time.

"Why do I believe you're not lying to escape? You couldn't tell what I asked about the Main Family either."

"......"  Pete looked down at the floor. How can he spill any, literally any slightest hint about Main Family security system?

"See?"  The man smirked at Pete. "Don't play smart Mr. Pete, you're just a bodyguard. But a higher in regards of positions..."  Pete gulped as he kept talking. "You're one of the closest bodyguards to Vegas Theerapanyakul aren't you? Otherwise he wouldn't trust you with the agreement paperworks."

".... agreement... paperworks?"  Pete now started to understand what's going on.

He did attended two Minor Family meetings along with Porsche, and Vegas, as bodyguards. The goldmine agreement was one of them. Everything was becoming clear to Pete.

"Yes, do you remember now? Or do you say.... you don't know what I'm talking about?"  Pete looked at his face, trying to figure out who the guy is. Meanwhile the man took a glass of water and splashed Pete's face.

"Mr. Nolan-"  A guard approached the man, probably to report something.

"No way."  Nolan turn to Pete, "Vegas Theerapanyakul has to come here. He or anyone in his position won't leave a close connected bodyguard like this- He should be frustrated as Fuck right now, thinking if his security secrets are out yet."  Nolan walked closer to Pete and grabbed his face roughly, Pete gróāned in pain. "Even for Killing this one- that guy has to come here."

"...."  Pete was blaming himself for all the things he did. He wasn't being alert back when he was getting attacked. Pete thought they were ordered to kill him. He'd be done then and there. That's the only reason he didn't kill them, who can abduct Pete if he wanted to kill his way out?

But now, Listening to everything, he's regretting his decisions, I should've fought back properly. Pete isn't one of The Minor Family.. And about knowing about The Minor Family House, he can't bring himself to break anything to Vegas's enemy. He can't do that.

He felt a faint shock as Nolan started to threaten Pete. Maybe he's passing out, that's why he can't feel it properly.

Brief memories flashed before his vague eyes, The man who begged him to stay, His face and words started to echo through his head. ("please Pete, don't leave me. Please...") ("Don't leave Pete-")  He seemed desperate didn't he? I hit him so hard. Did he woke up after I escaped?

Pete felt he still has some words, that he should've said if the situations were different.

Vegas, He wouldn't come. Not for someone like me. He closed his eyes.

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