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Third person POV
A month later

Porchay was looking out the window watching listening to the rain outside.

Porsche bought a new apartment for them, Porsche and Porchay. Actually "for Porchay" would be more suitable as Porsche hardly stays there. He's been too busy ever since he took over the Minor Family. It's not stable enough to keep Porchay there along with him yet.

Porchay was thinking about his life decisions. He's surprised that he never thought anything for himself only. Now that he has enough time to time it over again, He shouldn't have done that.

porchay turned around hearing his phone ringing with a text notification. He unlocked to see an unknown number. It's a video.

He thought, I know who's this.

After he played it, a slow guitar melody started to fill the thick air in the empty apartment. He kept silent, as if he doesn't have the strength to move to turn t off. Listening to the words as the person in the phone's screen sang a song, it started to feel like tearing his heart from his chest.

Once again.

At the end, after the last lines, he noticed his own wet hoody soaked in tears.

He wiped it quickly shaking his head. He was about to delete it and block another number, just like the last one.

But he stopped just before tapping "confirm" . Porchay threw his phone out of frustration, sinking on the bed. This is frustrating.

"Don't.... Don't do this... Leave me alone.." At the moment, Porchay was trying hard enough to live without the person he has cherished his whole life.

He changed university, subjects and even stopped singing, which was his biggest dream. Just to get over it.

But he can't seem to forget those memories like Kim did. How? How did you do that P'Kim? You looked so normal while playing me like that.

Porchay sobbed like a kid he is. Why can't I do that? I don't need to depend on anyone... I can take care of myself even if he does not... I can live by myself!

He kept convincing himself like usual, to no avail.

You really never cared P' never did...


Meanwhile.. At Kim's apartment.

Kim drank a little more leaning back on the couch. Porchay didn't reply this time as well. It's not like Kim expected him to. At this point, It'd be a surprise if he did.

"Khun Kim...." Leon waited for Kim's response.

But when he didn't get any, he knocked a bit loudly.

"Khun Kim!?" Kim snapped out of his thoughts.

"Leon." Kim quickly gathered the photo cards on the table in front and put it in the box. "Come in."

Leon got in, handing Kim a file. He noticed the box and peeked at Kim's face once.

"What did Pa say this time?" Kim didn't seem to notice Leon's gaze.

"Khun Korn wants you to go to Romania to settle this." Leon pointed at the file. Kim cursed under his breath.

"He could just tell me to give my life if he wants it so bad, He doesn't have to show it as a mission to settle shit."

Leon remained silent as Kim kept scoffing.

Because Romanian mafias aren't some regular types to listen to anyone, Theerapanyakuls have never been successful getting a client out of those thick skulled assholes. So now Pa's sending me?

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