switch II

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Third person POV

"Shūt up.....Do you think you can say anything you want just because we had sēx?" Vegas got so mad that he took out his knife. Pete's eyes widened when he put it on his throat. "You wanted to make me KīLL you didn't you?" Clearly wasn't thinking straight, for a moment he couldn't decide who should he KīLL, himself or Pete.

He needs to destroy something.

He stopped pressing the knife on Pete's throat when he looked at his eyes. They were desperate a moment ago, they're now dilated in realization. Vegas started to get diverted thinking what's he thinking.

"What are you thinking?" Vegas frawned at his words. "......KīLL me Vegas." What? Why's he asking me to- Although it wasn't so unpredictable, Pete has tried pushing Vegas to KīLL him before. But, this time it's different.



Vegas's grip on his body loosened on instinct when he saw tears welling up in his eyes. Vegas kept him locked up with him for so long, yet he didn't see Pete this hopeless. That means- "I don't like it, the confusion, the hatred..... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Pete's face got redder and he choked while talking as if he's in pain.

"Pete- what..are.."

Vegas's voice was almost a whisper. He was getting torn in between. Every word Pete said hit him in the emotions he never thought he had. Vegas doesn't know what's happening anymore. He just knows he feels weird and he doesn't like it.

"KīLL ME I SAID!" Vegas flinched at his scream, an unknown feeling started to grow inside him. He was scared. "If YOU DON'T DO IT I'LL DO IT-" Just then, Pete grabbed the knife, pressing it on himself harder.

"Ai Pete- Fūck- are you out of your fūcking mind- PETE!" The knife was too small, Pete grabbed it by the blade which cut through his hand. Vegas got a shiver down his spine as he saw Pete's own blood dripping down on his body. "PETE! Stop, leave it.." Vegas released the knife right after he pulled it towards him, Pete was still grabbing it.

"ARGHHH" Pete cried out I frustration.

"I said STOP IT!" Vegas put both his hands up, to make Pete understand that he'll not do anything like that anymore.
"I'm sorry put it down.... put the knife down Pete, I'm sorry..... please" The stream of tears on Pete's skin made his skin crawl.

"......." Pete kept crying in silence. Vegas suddenly realized something.

"Please... Pete, d-don't leave me. Please..." Vegas spoke out whatever came into his mind, fearing the worst to happen. "I won't keep you locked up anymore, I already changed the room didn't I? Pete-" He didn't even realize he started to beg Pete to stay.

"Then...... WHAT'S THIS?" Pete raised his chained up hand in front of Vegas's face. "WHATEVER THE FUCK IS THIS VEGAS?"

"Okay! Okay- I'll open it-" Vegas approached Pete and touched his face with both hands. "But- But Don't leave Pete, okay?" He got closer and kīssed on Pete's tear stained pale cheek. He couldn't understand why Pete just kept crying more.

"...... I'm sorry..."

I didn't hear it right did I? Vegas couldn't believe his ears even though he heard what Pete said clearly. But he needed the proof. Pete broke the kīss and looked in Vegas's eyes, ".....I'm sorry Vegas."

Before knocking him out.

Pete POV

"Stop it- PETE STOP IT!"

Vegas put both of his hands up like he surrendering himself. "I'm sorry.... Pete, I'm sorry....." I almost couldn't believe myself when I looked up at him. The inhumane eyes are now scared to look at me. "Please Pete, Don't leave me...Please..." I hated him, I hated everything about him. Then what changed so much? Why are you apologizing...why?

"Then......WHAT'S THIS?" I lifted my hand and tried to make myself feel what sort of beast he is. "WHATEVER THE FUCK IS THIS VEGAS?" But my heart, isn't cooperating with me. Why It's so hard to hate this bastard?

"Okay! Okay- I'll open it." It didn't help, I brust into tears listening to him. "But Please, Don't leave, Pete-" Don't be so fūcking miserable begging like that.

He slowly walked closer and kīssed on my teary cheek. Everything he's doing... was against what I want him to do right now. I need to go, but I can't seem to be able to leave him. I'll be the same as Khun kan and others who made him like this, He'll break. My heart broke into pieces when he kīssed my līps. It felt like he was pouring himself into the kīss.

For the last time, I kīssed back.

I have to go Vegas, please let me go. I hate you, You should hate me too. I'll even KīLL you if I have the chance, don't trust me. I wished to die right there and then, so I don't have to hurt him- and I don't have to leave him alone either.

"......I'm sorry..."

Vegas looked at me in confusion and disbelief as I broke the kiss. His eyes seemed like searching for something on my eyes. ".....I'm sorry."

I knocked him out.

I cried out loud after. This isn't what I wanted, I don't want to hurt you. Vegas... I'm sorry Vegas. I hate it. I kneeled beside his body and jerked him slightly.


He didn't respond. I wiped the neverending tears off of my face, and stood up unlocking.

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