
987 54 1

4 in morning, next day.
at the Main family mansion

"How did you end up like this?"

I avoided Porsche's eyes as I shook my head smiling at him. I was sitting in the bathtub of our once shared bathroom when we were roommates. I really missed this apartment though.

"It's nothing Porsche." I tried to keep it light, Porsche's getting more tense with every passing minute. "I fought a dog in the way here- that's why I look miserable." I tried my best not to appear like a sad-puppy. Yes- I was barely holding it in.

"Who did this to you?" Porsche looked at me like he'd KīLL anyone right now,  
"I'm asking something Pete, is it the Minor Family?" He emphasized noticing my silence. The smile faded from my face and I couldn't look up at him. I can't possibly tell him everything. I felt my eyes warming up.  "Just trust me Pete, I'll take care of it right now-" I know Porsche, I know you care about me, and I don't want you to go after that man. He knows it's Vegas. But He won't do anything until I admit it.

"Can you fix me though?" I smiled at him trying to sound funny. He looked more skeptical. Fuck.. that didn't work, May be he saw through my forced smile. "I'm tired Porsche, I'm asking you to trust me." He eyes softened as my voice broke at the end, he opened the aid kit.

".......Here-" Porsche was giving me the tablets I usually take. These Suppressants... I looked at those for a second and shook my head.

"I don't need it now."

His eyes widened for a moment and he frawned at me. I already took them last night, Vegas gave me a full pack after that night.. His līps were pursed together like he was holding something in, but for today... I won't ask him anything.

I feel exhausted and pathetic.


Third person POV

After taking bath and dressing all the wounds, Pete went to eat. He actually wanted to sleep first, but Porsche wouldn't listen to him. He's getting persistent just like Khun Noo.

"Oii Pete, you need to eat all these- you look like you haven't eaten in years." Khun Noo fumed as he spoke, "Let me just find out that man- I'd torture his soul out for starving my best bodyguard like this-" Pete doesn't really have any appetit in the first place, Khun Noo wasn't helping with it.

"I'm fine now Khun Noo..." Pete looked at Porsche with a pleading face. Thankfully, He took the hint.

"Khun Noo, let's go, he needs to rest first."

"Oi! Who's you to tell me what to do... he's MY bodyguard! You go to KINN, why is you here?"

"Aish Khun-"

" 'Aish' YOURSELF!" As his personality is, Khun Noo rolled his eyes. "I don't know what do they feed you bodyguards to have the guts to interfere in everyone's businesses.."   Porsche sighed and pulled Khun Noo to whisper something in his ears. Though he refused to listen to Porsche at first, he eventually calmed down while looking at Pete and walked out of the room telling him to rest.

Now what did you tell him Porsche? Pete rubbed my temple in frustration. Fuck that, I don't wanna know.

As Pete took a spoon of the rice in front of him, he got Flashbacks from last few nights at the safe house.

"I'm sorry, I had work" (Vegas)

"How dare you.. who said you could spill your filthy pheromones on him?" (Vegas)

"Khun kan is furious on khun Vegas, that Alpha wasn't any ordinary client- he's the successor of the gold mine dealer..." (Nop)

"Do you want to watch movies?" (Vegas)

"Okay Pete... but please.. don't leave me... please.... I need you Pete.." (Vegas)

Pete didn't realize when tears started to spill down his cheeks. Shīt. Vegas, you bāstard. He found it hārd to swallow the rice, choking on tears. Every fūcking thing is reminding me of That goddarn man, why is this happening to me? He's not a good person, I don't like... Fuck.




"The number you're trying to reach, is unavailable at the moment. Please try again later....."

He switched his phone off? Or probably blocked me.

Kim sighed looking out the window. It hasn't been too long since that day. Whatever he did, was for his(Porchay's) own safety. He's not a fool to get entangled with a kid after all. Basically to drag him down in the abyss along with Kim himself.

Kim walked away from the window towards the couch and put the phone on the table. He stopped while passing by the guitar stand. He looked at one particular guitar for a moment, isn't this I one I played back then?? Chay likes it so m- does he still like it?  He picked it up and something fell off.

What's this paper? He picked it up, a photo card?

Kim went to his bedroom and took out the leather box from his wardrobe. The box seemed something of high value. Kim opened it to see the photo cards he kept for so long. Each and every one of them had own texts. The worst part of it is, Porchay had written them himself. Kim has been alone all his life, but today he felt weirdly lonely, like he has lost everything.

I don't want him to be with me. There's no reason to... I should just stop overthinking it.

But here he is, missing that kid, Porchay like he's missing a part of his body.

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