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Third person POV
Hours ago.

"Don't make me repeat." Vegas snarled. "Where's my son?"

Mei chuckled. "Seriously. You should've careful like that before he got ambushed." Vegas clenched his jaw. "No offense , He just got  born, and he got kidnapped. What a luck."

"MEI !......Don't..make me forget my boundaries."  Vegas was stuttering holding his rage in.

"You have boundaries??" Vegas closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath.

He can't act on impulse right now.

Vegas sighed as Mei hung up on him. He doesn't know What the hell is going on in his life. He's so fucking fed up with random people trying to run him over in his own track. Why can't he just kill them all? He didn't poke them, nor allowed them to interfere in his personal life. Then why's it so inhumane to kill that kind of people?

Back at present, at the hospital________

Though Pete seemed too weak, Doc ensured he was safe.  "Don't worry, we'd not release him if his wound had any probability to open up. It's just the uneasy feeling he got scared of."  Vegas almost had his heart beating out of his rib cage in nervousness back then.

Now the problem is..

"How did you know Vegas??" Pete lifted his eyes from Venice to look at Vegas, his eyes are literally sparkling. "You sent her just on time, Good Lord I was so relieved to see Mei there..."  Vegas sighed as Pete continued to praise Mei for what he thought she did.

"Yeah. You take rest now."  Pete lied back, closing his eyes, Vegas placed a kiss on his forehead. Good lord I was going to send her to coma ..but, hell, I was so damn frustrated and she goes like it's a joke..

"Vegas......."  Vegas snapped out of his thoughts.


"I'm so sick of staying in hospital." 

Vegas rested his head slightly on Pete's, stroking his hair. "It won't take long, you'll be fine soon." 

Pete smiled. "I know.......I want to go home."

"We will. Now sleep." Vegas stepped out as soon as Pete fell asleep.

Checking his phone, he started to proceed to the opposite direction of the exit. He has no idea where Venice is right now. That's what making him so mad, so mad that he could kill.

Vegas poked his head through the door of a large cabin. "May I come in?"  Dr. Top instantly stood up dropping a file from his hand.

"O-Of course!"  He grew tense. "I told you....he's fine..He's really fine....I've checked everything-"

"Sit down, will you?"  Vegas sat in front of Dr. Top. He doesn't like the situation right now, Vegas's mood seems off.

Initially Dr. Top doesn't fear any of these shithead gunners, but he doesn't want to piss any one of them either. Especially when the Minor Family brothers are nuts, they're always walking around doing what they please..what if he assumes he's the one at fault for not treating Mr.Pete properly?

But to his surprise, Vegas just checked the reports by himself and told Dr. Top to attend to Pete for a day. That's easy!

Wait. What??

"There's nurses to attend to patients for long hours, why'd a doc-"

"Do you have any problem?"

"N-No.."  Dr. Top nodded. "I will keep watch over Pe- I mean Khun Pete."

Later that evening, at a bar.

"What are you gonna do then?"

Porchay lifted his head from the table for a second, looking at Macau. "I...don't know.." There's those tired eyes made mac uncomfortable.


"Maybe go back to the studio? I feel like the contract is also his doing...I also applied for 3 years..I never got any response then." Porchay continued as if he didn't hear Macau. "What are the odds?"

Macau took a deep breath slowly. He can't feel what his best friend is feeling right now, but he can see the misery evident in his face. It seemed like Porchay is hurting physically.

"What if we wait a little, you concentrate on your career in the meantime, P'Kim must return by then."

Porchay chuckled. "...must return?" And as saddening the smile was, it vanished in a second . "He won't."

"Porchay...there's no use of sitting here like this, it'll only worsen your health.."

Porchay doesn't know where Kim were supposed to go. Where's that place Leon was scared of letting Kim go to. Otherwise he'd follow Kim, at least get him back before he went too far. Porchay sighed again.

"Yes..I know..."  Porchay gulped down rest of his drink.

"You need to head back, it's getting late.."  Macau wasn't worried as it wasn't a drink Porchay would get drunk.

Porchay nodded. "Okay, stay a little more."

Macau felt ominous about his condition, so he made it so the bartender serves something so light no matter what Porchay ordered.

After another hour, it was almost past 12. Porchay was standing in front of the club, Macau is getting his car from the parking lot.

Porchay stood there like a statue for a moment, the flashbacks sinking in his brain. What can he do from his place? He turned right, there's a high bridge over a river. He heard P'Vegas had that accident there-

P'Pete saved him back then.

Porchay didn't realize when he started to walk. He just can't find a way out. P'Kim left no way, no trace behind. It was like he's vanished.

By the time he was standing by the railings before the bridge, he felt shivers in the chilly breeze.

"It's him!" Porchay turned around hearing a skyline pull up close. "It's- "

"PORCHAY!"  It's Macau screaming on top of his lungs. Porchay couldn't understand why he's so hyped up.. "WHY ARE YOU THERE-"

Porchay was about to walk back to Macau's car. "Are you sure he's the one?" He turned back to have a look at the men in the car in front of him.

"Yeah! It's that boy," Porchay decided to go fast,

Until, "He was with Kimhan..I saw that boy before!"

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