Psychiatrist appointment

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Pete POV

I flinched at the Doctor's voice calling me. There you go.. PETE! I told you were out of your fucking mind.. what were you thinking getting on Vegas in a hospital..

"Fuck these people..."

Before I move, Vegas grabbed the blanket and covered me with it. I heard the door opening right after. Thank goodness, I can't move even if I want to.

I was waiting for him to continue and finish it fast. I'm too turned on to think straight. My limbs are still trembling as hell.

"Uh... I'll be back later."

I flinched again hearing the door slam shut. The fuck is wrong with me today.. and what's he waiting for? I looked up pulling down the blanket. Vegas was glaring at the door. Ah come on... The fuck-

"Vegas are you forgetting.. aHhAh!" He pinned me down on the bed before I could finish my line.

His hand travelled lower as he peppered butterfly kisses along my neckline.

"Damn it Pete, you're spilling too much.... What if anyone else catches it...?"

I arched my back in the sensation of his hands travelling on my skin. I could feel it all too explicitly, every second of this turning overwhelming than the other. Maybe because it's been a while, maybe I missed it for so long. I can't even keep my eyes open. But they widened feeling a tug on the strings on my waist. I gasped as Vegas pulled my trousers down suddenly.

"Wait- aHh! mmph...! Ve..ah.." I tried to grab his shoulders and missed as he started to stroke me. I grabbed his shirt, my hands were trembling. Vegas came over to face me again.

"Pete...?" I felt shivers as he whispered while increasing the pace.

"Vegas- Vegas! Please..wait- Wait!" I couldn't hold it and came all over his clothes.

This fucker...I want to kill this bastard..

"What..? What's wrong?" Vegas asked me noticing my expression. I glared right through his confused eyes.

"I was literally yelling in your ears..ARE YOU DEAF VEGAS!??" He sat between my legs and leaned in, probably to kiss me. I grabbed his jaw covering his mouth.

Kiss my ass you jerk!

"I know but- " I was busy getting mad while he pushed his two fingers inside.

"Ah aH Vegas- VEGAS! Can we fu..CKING talk??" I whimpered as he slowly paced up adding another finger. This guy, I need to admit him to a school to learn to read people.. "AHh!!"

"...... I'm almost done-"

"SHUT UP you ass- I need to YOU to fuck me!"

Vegas POV_____________________

"I was literally yelling in your ears, ARE YOU DEAF VEGAS?"

"I know but-"

It's evident that Pete was getting a bit too much excited. Even I can barely hold back. It's hard to even breathe properly due to the intense pheromones he's filling the air with. Of course, it's been so many days.. almost feels like I've been waiting for this for ages. I'm literally going crazy.

I was trying to make him comfortable, loosening him up a bit before I go all in. Otherwise judging on my state, he's gonna get hurt for sure.

"SHUT UP you ass, Fast! I need to YOU to fuck me!" I felt goosebumps on my skin hearing Pete. I looked up at him.

The redness on his face already made it's way to his ears as well. Good lord, please forgive for what I'm going to do right now.

I slammed my lips into his, Fuck, it still feels I'm not getting enough. I really wasn't. He moaned in my mouth as I pushed inside his soft spot.

I started to move slowly in and out, he's still too tight. My head was spinning like I'm drugged with that lavender scent. Gosh, he feels like heaven.

Pete let his voice out the moment I broke the kiss.

"aHh Ah! ........ Ve- Vegas....hnn!" Pete is deranged right now. I looked at his pale face which is now flushed and covered in sweat. Ethereal.

It got a little easier after a few times, but the feeling of his warm insides still kept driving me nuts. I was trying my best not to slam into him by any chance. But it's way harder than I thought it would be.

I got closer to whisper in his ear. He's too much into the maddening pleasure to process right now. He's not even looking at me, or to be exact, he probably can't even see clearly right now.

"I really love when you scream under me Pete," Pete's eyes widened in realization, and covered his mouth to prevent himself from making sound as I went in. God those doe eyes... "But I hate to say that we're still in the hospital babe." I saw Pete looking at me. His eyes are half closed.

Is this supposed to help ?

"It's y-your haa.... your fault aH!" Looks like I found it. "Yes, Harder!"

"..Whatever you command Pete."

I got shivers as Pete's insides clenched around me at once I finished talking. He arched his back screaming in the pillow before spilling all over his stomach. I came right after due to the contraction. I rested my head on his chest while trying to catch my breath. This is insane.

I stayed like that for a moment, hearing his breathing.

I still can't believe it's happening. Though I did go far enough to except my feelings and even beg him to stay last time.... I never really thought he really would. I didn't dare to think that.

Because I knew him, and myself as well. Why'd some one like Pete would want to be with the infamous psycho Bastard like Vegas Theerapanyakul?

"You....won't..go for another round?" I looked up and blinked. This guy, isn't he tired already?

"You want me to?" He looked away gulping.

"Seriously...I asked YOU!" He was getting mad as I chuckled.

"Okay okay, that's fine for today." I sat straight to clean up.

"Wait for a moment first.." I didn't protest.

I can do at least this. I had two fractured ribs along with a pretty decently large slash on the leg that was stuck.... in the car, that day. The stitches are troubling me much more than enough.

It's gonna leave scars... What if Pete finds it unattractive- I was thinking useless things as Pete grabbed my arm to get me out of my head.

"Are you even listening to me?" He got out of the bed to go to the washroom.

"I think I should fix a psychiatrist appointment as well.." He scoffed in frustration.

"Well...Why not?" Pete turned around with a disgusted face. "I'm sure you know...I've gone even crazier than before.."

"The fuck- " Pete blinked twice as if he realized something.

"Since the night I buried my pet with someone."

"Bastard...!" He slammed the door closed after entering the washroom. I laughed to myself.

Wait, Did I just saw him blushing again? And...why do I feel..

There's something strange going on inside my ribcage. I know why but..Is it a little weird because of the fractured ribs??

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