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Third person POV
Main Family House

"You go back, watch over Chay." A guard gave a stern nod to Porsche as he continued. "And inform me the first thing after he wakes up." Kinn walked in to the living room and spared a look at the guard.

"Yes." The guard bowed, about to leave.

"Which one are you?" Kinn turned his phone off.

The guard stopped for a moment, "0312."

"He's from Kim's, I wont be in here tonight, I can't even accompany Porchay back at the apartment now that Pete's in the hospital..." Porsche frawned at Kinn. "By the way what are you doing here?" Kinn turned towards Porsche, smiling.

"Just checking out if everything's okay."
Porsche nodded at the guard. "Okay, I'll take my leave." Marlon smirked while getting out of the Main Family House.



At the hospital

Actually Pete had no complications to begin with. Fortunately he was taken to hospital in time. Vegas was trying to be calm and collected though he was at his wits end seeing nurses going in and out. One of them eventually came out to tell Vegas that his son is very healthy. Everything seemed normal. Vegas was so happy- Wait, what about Pete?

"How's Pete?"

"Uh, he's stable at the moment-"

Stable? Vegas gulped, "Can I see him?"

"Meet the baby first, He's not attended by anyone right now.." Vegas followed her to the small cabin next to Pete's. He knows this unease wouldn't go away until he sees Pete. Let's do this first.

"Here." Vegas inhaled deeply, taking the baby in his arms.

But the silence seemed odd accompanied by the nurse's hesitation, "He...Did he not wake up yet? He's out of danger isn't he?"

The nurse replied curtly. "Yes. You can see him after meeting the baby."

The baby wasn't crying, May be cried at first...but now is sleeping. With a thinnest tube up to his nose. He has this pale skin, just like Pete. Vegas touched his cheek very gently, as if it'll wither like a delicate flower if he isn't careful enough. The moment he took his hand off, it looked so red like all the blood from around the place rushed to the baby's cheek.

"How about Venice? Why not? Everyone of you got names of biggest cities, why not my baby?"

"So I get to have the biggest cities around the world in my house...?!"

"Around the world?"

"Yeah, let's have babies every year!"

"Vegas! It's me who has to carry it fool. On second thought, I'll agree with that if you conceive as well-"


" it?"

But the problem started after he got out of the little cabin. The Doctor suddenly came out of the OT in a rush, to ask if anyone can give O+ blood.

"Fuck." Both Vegas and Macau had the same blood type, AB negative. Vegas's brain started to dysfunction.

"Nop....where's Nop? NOP!" As soon as Nop came in front, Vegas grabbed his shoulder. "Who has O+ blood? We have some one with that group right? Find out who has that type-"

"Yes." Nop took Vegas's hand off of his shoulder and made him sit down. "Give me a minute."

Nop knows Pete is in a very sensitive spot right now. Not just the blood type, he needs to find an omega with same blood type. He called the first person that came to his mind,

"Hello Khun Porsche? We had to take Pete in the hospital halfway-"

"What?!! Where y'all now?"

Porsche nodded at the guard.Porsche arrived sooner than Nop thought, the private hospital complex is near the Main House. That's off topic that Pete wasn't supposed to be admitted in here.

Vegas always hated everyone from the Main Family House around his family and even has a beef with Porsche, but he didn't react the least with Porsche's presence. To be honest Porsche's the one who thought Vegas seemed disturbed, sitting still with his head down.

"When did it start?" Vegas was silent. "Vegas!"

Vegas flinched. "Huh? Porsche? What??" Porsche facepalmed.

"For God's sake, Pete's still alive!" Vegas looked away. "Gosh...whatever, when did it happen?"

"....when we crossed the...13th avenue."

"Did he say anything else while being at it?" He knows how Vegas is.

"" But today Vegas seemed like someone else to him, he's not a person to stay silent after Porsche replies like that. "Did saw him?"


"Did....Did the doctor say anything about him?" Porsche stared at Vegas for a moment before replying.

Porsche shook his head, "He's fine, just a little weak at the moment."



Back to present

"Phi?" Macau turned around to face Dr.Top. "Doctor, how long he's supposed to sleep?"

"Macau, go back to the house for now. He'll be fine. I'll call you if either of them wakes up. We can't have you sick also, can we?" Macau looked down for a moment while Dr. Top withdrew his hand from his head.

Vegas didn't have the gut to go to see Pete, but he wouldn't budge from in front of Pete's cabin either. He's been sitting like that for a whole day. Macau was trying to get him out for a bit since he came, he won't move.
At last, Macau forced him to drink a glass of juice, which had Of course medicine to put him to sleep for a while.

Macau sighed.

"Okay..But let me see the baby once more." Macau ran out of the room. Dr. Top followed close behind.

After an hour, on a drive towards the Main House.

"Won't your brother get angry with you?"

"Tsk- no biggie." Macau shook his head sideways. "Well are you worried about it?"

"Me? Why'd I be scared of your brother?"

"I don't know...guess I'm used to everyone being scared of him." Porsche rolled his eyes.

"Of course, your brother's a psycho." He stopped for a bit. "...Is Pete too?"

"Umm, scared of Phi?....sometimes? But no, not like others. I think it's different."

"Different?....How so?"

"Phi is....He's like, obsessed with P'Pete, more like someone gets addicted to drugs, like that." Porsche wasn't surprised, until... "P'Pete is scared of Phi losing control over himself so he sticks to Phi......And I'm not sure, but I think P'Pete probably is scared of...his jealousy."

Porsche rolled his eyes, "Oh come on! It's universal in every relationship-"

Macau laughed, "Half of the mansion is restricted just because P'Pete lives in there, What are you talking about?" Porsche blinked up at the mirror checking Macau in the back seat.

He's smile vanished Ina second.

"Drive carefully, You can't understand that relationship. It's off limits even for a person like me who lives in the same mansion."

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