Behind his back

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Third person POV

Nop went out the moment Pete entered the room. He understood what's going to happen by his expression.

On the other side, confused Vegas looked at Pete, who's eyes were devoid of any hesitation. Moreover, if anything, he's furious. He approached Pete to grab his hands. He has a rough idea of what's Pete thinking.

"Pete, I really don't know how he got that- But it's not what you think..." Pete stepped back raising his hand telling Vegas to stop.

"That's not the answer I want."

"Pete...There's nothing between me and him!"

"He's your school friend?" Vegas frawned.

"That's not-"

"Is he?"

"Pete...." Vegas let out a shaky breath, Fuck pun, is he tired of living this time? "He was. But that's not-"

"You fucked him as well?!" Vegas tried to stay as calm as possible.

"What?Pete....listen to me. Whatever he told you, it's to provoke you...But why are you getting provoked?!"

"He said the truth."

Vegas proceeded to hold him again, "But that was in the past!"   And Pete glared back at him. He knows Pete's mood swings these days, but he can't leave it like this as well.

"Okay!" Vegas held his hands up. "I won't, But believe me there's nothing between me and anyone else! I haven't touched anyone since that night at the safe house!"

"Khun Vegas-" Vegas was cut off by a knock.

"WHAT?" It seemed like everyone's trying to test Vegas's patience.

"Khun Porsche is here." Vegas looked back at Pete with a frawn.

"Pete....? Why's he here??"

He turned around and opened our closet."I'm going to the Main House."

"Why there, But, But I didn't lie to you!" Vegas grabbed Pete by his arm as he was turning towards the door. "I'm telling the truth, You aren't evenl-"

"I'm NOT GOING THERE FOR GOOD VEGAS!" Vegas flinched by Pete yelling at him. It's unlikely and Pete continued after a second.  "I'll be back in a few days-"

"Days?! Pete, Days?" Vegas was getting frantic, "How am I supposed to let you stay somewhere else in this condition, I can't see you- "

"At least your exes won't pester me."

Vegas stopped again. He doesn't know how to respond to that. Pun never was his boyfriend, infact no one was. He's never been serious about anyone apart from Pete.

"You fucked him as well?!"

Fuck...Pete... Maybe he committed a mistake one day in this case...that's why he couldn't defend himself.

Vegas stared at Pete's back not sure what to say as he packed up and walked out of their bedroom.



Third person POV

"I knew he isn't someone to be treated that nice! Pete look, don't worry, you know you can come back to The Main House again- or you could just stay here as my brother let's not return to that-"

"Okay Khun Noo, let him rest a bit. Don't you think he's tired with everything going on?"

Tankhun looked at Pol and then back at Pete. He clearly doesn't want to leave, after all he adores Pete like his own little brother.

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