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Vegas POV

"Get freshen up and eat." I put the tray down and sat down opening my laptop. I got some files to go through, before organizing the next steps.

"....." I looked up noticing the silence.

"Do you want something else?" I saw him look away again. He's been acting weird, he's not usually quiet. He took quite a moment to got freshened up and sit on the bed again taking the bowl. I was pretending not to watch his every move, he started to chew slowly taking a bite. He has this habit of eating mouthful food everytime he's hungry, it looks like a pout.

"Why..?" I snapped out of my thoughts hearing his voice. He seemed like he's choosing his words carefully, "Where were you yesterday?" I blinked at him. This is literally the most unexpected shīt ever, I held my smirk inside. Were you waiting for me?

"Do I must check on you every day?" I couldn't resist the urge to tease him. He looked at me, so flustered. By the look of it, he's probably regretting asking me. "I had .....some work." I don't want him to be uneasy around me- whoa wait, what am I thinking....?

"....Oh." I can tell what he's thinking right now. His face is so obvious. It mirrors every emotion.

"Pa was here." He looked at me a hearing me sigh. I got up and sat on the floor beside the bed, "He blamed me for everything again." I stopped and he was just quiet like he waited for me to continue. "I always fail at everything. Whatever I do, I can't seem to beat your Boss."

"..... Why do you think you need to compete?"

Pete's POV

"Do I must check on you every day?" I looked at him. This is embarrassing, and he knows that. He's doing it on purpose! That bastard!!

"....." I almost regretted asking him.

"I had..... some work." I wanted to know what happened. Why're you acting suspicious, Spill everything- and vent!

"....Oh." I don't know if I should ask further or not. What the fūck is wrong with this awkward air in between? Vegas kept silent for a moment, probably thinking what should he say. I started to eat.

"Pa was here." I looked at him hearing his heavy sigh, did I not notice or he looked this frustrated from earlier? He sat down on the floor beside the bed.
"He blamed me for everything again." ....Bastard, no wonder Vegas grew up into one. I stared at him as I tried to calm down. "I always fail at everything. Whatever I do, I can't seem to beat your Boss." what.. He frawned looking at the floor. I was surprised by this Vegas. He was a lot of things to me- Intimidating, manipulative, confident, fearless... But not broken. He's not even broken at the moment, he looks vulnerable right now, like anyone could push him over the edge.

".....Why do you think you need to compete?" I don't know why, but I don't like him like this.

"heh" He sounded as if he laughed at himself. "you don't know what I've been through, you can't possibly feel what I do."

"Who told you that?" I replied without thinking, "You also don't know about me, how are you so sure I won't?" Wait, I stopped at this point, I was trying to change his attitude by instinct.

"What do you mean?" I wasn't gonna go further, I was gonna stop right there respecting the limit. "What happened to you?" But Vegas sounded so confused and eager to listen to me.

"My father was a boxer in his days, he wanted me to be one too." I know, right now he has lowered his guard completely. He's looking curious. "He wanted me to win cause he never did, so after every time I lose, he'd beat me up."

"Did you win?" I looked at him, Vegas was looking back at me with.

"I did." I looked at the empty bowl in my hand, "He still beat me up."

".......!" He frawned.

"He beat me because he couldn't win, I did." I remembered about it in the past, of course wasn't a good memory.

"But isn't it what he wanted?" Vegas is getting more frustrated.

"He didn't think I'd win." I turned to him, "See? They don't beat us because we suck. They're always venting on us because they, themselves suck. And they can't change it." It seemed like Vegas is realizing something what I wanted to say.

After I finished drinking the juice, he brought me medicines.

"I'm quite fine now." He took my hand and gave me all three same tablets. I don't need any explanation. It's useless to go against him anyway, he'd probably force me to swallow- I remembered the day Vegas fed me painkillers when I refused to take it. No, that's not what I meant.

"It's..." He sat down with his laptop again. "Do you have any.. uh problem with medicines?" what....?  I looked at him dumbfounded. "You still have injuries on you, there's a health booster too." He didn't even look at me talking.

"Health.....booster?!" The fūck is that for? Am I not supposed to get tortured? Hell, does he want me to get well so that he can torture me properly??

"Why are you looking at me like that," I flinched at his voice, "It's not..." He facepalmed, "Uh... what suppressant do you take?"

"Wh-What?" It hit me in the right place, I've never even consider the thought of asking him. I'd never dare to.

"Tell me later when I go out." My eyes widened when he spoke further, "Do you like to watch movie?" I blinked at him, he looked up at me waiting for me to answer.

"Uh.. yeah..." Vegas raised an eye brow at me, "What? We seriously used to watch loads of dramas and movies with Khun Noo."


"Yes, Me, Arm, Pol and Khun Noo, Every night." I got excited explaining it. Vegas was irritated at first at the moment I mentioned Khun Noo, but he's looking amused right now. I wonder what's he thinking..! He suddenly got up and sat on the bed beside me. What are you doing?

"I don't really watch TV that's why there isn't one here, I'll put one in this room tomorrow. Let's watch it on laptop for tonight." I was staring at him, no I was probably gawking. ehhhhh? Vegas? where is VEGAS? Are you sure YOU'RE Vegas?

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