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Porchay's POV

P'Kim was sound asleep when I woke up in his arms. He was breathing quite slowly. It's been 3/4 minutes probably of me watching him sleep. I'm not a creep...He's just so beautiful. My eyes scanned his appearance, To his long eyelashes, perfect jawline.... stuck on his lips. I looked away.

"No, I won't say're not my P'Kim anymore." Actually I'm scared. Scared of losing again.

I'm scared he'll make a joke out of me like last time I blurted out my feelings.

I closed my eyes to feel him close to me, almost trying to memorize the feeling of his arms around my body. I don't want to leave him. It's so warm and...unrealistic.

I noticed the towel on P'Kim's waist as I opened my eyes this time. He was shirtless to begin with, but I didn't notice the towel at first because I was staring at his face. I didn't look away, I was looking at the pile of bandage around his upper waist.

The side where the knife plunged in looks bad. Real bad. The outer layer is still mildly soaked red.

I feel worse.

"You awake?" I flinched and tried to withdraw by instinct when I heard him speak. Jeez, when did he woke up?


"Khun Kim." I tried to get up abruptly hearing the knock, "The medicine."

P'Kim grabbed my hand to keep me from getting up. "Come on in." Is he out of his mind? Who's he permitting to get in.. with me on his bed , with this..!?

Oh, It's Leon.

"Leave it here, I'll do it myself."

"......" Leon reluctantly agreed "..Yes." and looked at me once before getting out.

P'Kim seemed to be waiting for something. And I was waiting for him to take the medicine, I was curious.

"You get freshen up, we'll- Porchay!" He almost yelled at me as I was reaching out to the bandage.

Kim's POV

He flinched at my sudden raised voice, I loosened my grip on his wrist. Fuck, I shouldn't yell..

"Chay, get freshen up while I.... finish up with it."

"....Let me help." I looked at his worried face. Who are you worried about Chay? I've hurt you so terribly..

"Listen to me-" To my shock, he took the tube from the bed side table, leaning over me. I stopped for an instant. It's that sweet smell.

"Move, Let me see." I sighed in defeat.

His eyes widened as I took it off. The stitches weren't healed properly yet. Of course it looks horrible. Exactly the reason I didn't want him to see it.

"I told you Chay, I can do it myself." He proceeded to apply the medicine anyway.

Every time I let out a little hiss, he was flinching and blowing over the wound. I almost forgot to feel the pain seeing him like this. Am I not the one to mess up his life? Am I not the reason he's not being able to move on? Why's he so good to me... how am I supposed to leave?

Porchay's slender fingers slid over the faint bruises on my chest.

["The bullets couldn't pierce through because of the bulletproof vest, Yes. But the gun was powerful enough, to leave bruises on his skin .."]

"Why are you doing this P'Kim?" I snapped out hearing him sniffle.


"Why are you doing this to me? Are you happy every time you lie to me?"

"You should get ready, your brother's looking for you." I got up to leave.

"P'Kim?" I stopped at the door. I can hear the snarl in his voice. This is unusual. "If you can't answer me, don't come in front of me from now on."





Vegas POV

"Who the heck allowed you to drug me?" I hissed at Nop in anger, I've been sleeping for 15 hours now- even missed my meeting, how am I supposed to keep calm at this point?


"And you're STILL TALKING?" I glared back at him, Nop took a step back...didn't dare to look at me nor dared to speak a word. "I'm really amazed to see you....fuck, If someone working under me gets this much ahead of themselves, Vegas will be as good as-"

"..Vegas?" I turned around immediately hearing the familiar voice.

"Pete? What's going on?" I went closer to him and wrapped my overcoat over his lean shoulders immediately. "What are you doing here?"

"Why are you yelling like that?" He looked at Nop. "What did he do?"

"It's still too early, You could've slept more.." I stopped as he waved my hand away from his body.

"Don't change the topic Vegas."

"I'm not, it's nothing serious." I turned to Nop gesturing him to leave. But I was surprised when I turned to Pete.

He was staring at me with a disbelief in his eyes...still holding my hand away from his body. It's Nop isn't it? He seems more like your underling than mine.

"What did he tell you?" I chuckled.

"What do you think?" He released my hand. "Why? whatever are you trying to do? And the meeting-" Pete suddenly grabbed my shirt.

"Wai- Pete!"

"Who's Pun?" I blinked at him and tried to process what he's talking about. Of course I know Pun, He's The chairperson of The GoldenEstates at the moment. He was supposed to be in the meeting I missed.

"Who told you about him?" I realized I'm sounding wrong, I changed the tone. "He's just a client, we had a meeting scheduled.....that I happen to miss because of this piece of..." I clenched my teeth unintentionally trying not to remember the reason of my anger.

"And?" He raised an eye brow at me.

"What? What are you asking about then?"

"Why does he know the passcode to your study that only I and Nop has access to?!"

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