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Porchay's POV//Kim's apartment

P'Kim locked the door close after entering his apartment, grabbed my waist, slammed me on the door behind.

"Ah- P'Kim!" I didn't even get to groan in pain, P'Kim started to...kiss me? "Mmmph!" I was surprised, yes. But I didn't resist, almost by instinct.

I tried to push him off of myself, of course I couldn't. He was overpowering me at the moment , both physically and emotionally. I didn't even have the space to inhale, my fists were clenched grabbing P'Kim's shirt.

"mm..Ah!" P'Kim bit on my lower lip before breaking the kiss. But as soon as I took a deep breath, my head started to spin.

"I believed when you said you loved me." He spoke in a sarcastic tone. Wait- what? Sarcastic?

I blinked at his face in disbelief, trying to focus. I was so dizzy even his voice started to ring in my head. His pupils started to glow golden. Hell no- is it what I'm thinking going on in his head right now?

"P-P'Kim ......wait, wh-what are you doing....wait!" The pheromones P'Kim is spilling is too strong. I have no strength in me to resist.

"Did I step back just so you could get together with that stupid fuck? Macau? Seriously??" I flinched at his rising voice, he's getting creepier. It's not like I'm scared him. But,

"P'Kim...!" It's not really what I was planning to do.

"I wanted YOU, TO STAY AWAY FROM ALL OF THESE-" I wanted to tie him to myself in here so he can't leave. But, "FUCK PORCHAY!" P'Kim punched on the wall beside my head.

He's way too mad to reason right now.

"WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME?" P'Kim was panting as well. "Listen to me first I-" P'Kim grabbed both of my wrists and held them up. I couldn't move."P'KIM!"

"THAT Guy was all over you I CAN FUCKING SMELL HIM ON YOU RIGHT NOW, Do you want me to kill him?"

That...is not unexpected of P'Kim, but I didn't think it would go down to this. But with everything going on, I was furious at this point.

".....WHY DO YOU CARE?" I looked at his eyes with tears threatening to spill down. I don't know why I can't get mad at him.

"I FUCKING CARE! IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!" I didn't get drunk. After I saw him at the bar, all of it was my acting to make him take me here, in his apartment. But my head's getting lighter by every second passing. Where did I put my meds?

With both of my hands tied, I had to think of another way to change the situation. Now my head hurts.

"P'Kim, are...are you forcing me....?!" His grip on my hands loosened suddenly. It's working. "It.... hurts P'Kim." I looked up at him pretending to be scared.

".....!" Eyes widened, he took a step back.

Without the support, I flopped on my knees as Kim suddenly released me. I was trying to think properly while trying to catch my breath in the meantime. I know P'Kim is super conscious of me being around him. And no matter how much he acts like he doesn't care if I hate him, but I know he can't handle it face to face. But No hell, it isn't getting the way I wanted.

I flinched at the sound of a door slamming.

"P'Kim?" I looked up in a rush, he locked himself in his bedroom. "Wait- P'Kim!"

I dragged myself to the door and knocked several times. I can't go back now, not after getting this close.

I sat down on the floor in front of the door, trying to pull myself together. I don't want to get triggered right now. I have to change his mind before that...otherwise I can't even think straight let alone saying something. On second thought, I looked down at my hand taking out the tiny medicine bottle of tablets. To be honest, It can get painful at some point, but may actually work in my favor...

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