Chapter 1 - its starts with a bang

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Why in gods name did I decide to do Ap Chem, like great thinking me let's just take a college level class two years before college it will totally be worth the effort.

Ughhhh at least it's semi interesting but I would much rather be reading right now. Yeah it's cool when the teacher shows off how sodium ignites when exposed to oxygen and the sacrificial gummy bear in the beginning of the year was cool too.

Hhhmm I wonder if the latest TBATE manhwa chapter is out. I do a quick look around the lab and the teacher isn't looking in my direction so I quickly pull out my phone in search of some entertainment.

The search is quick as I find the latest chapter. 'Aw man, the end of the volume. But it just started to ramp up, and with the cliffhanger of all those ships as well'.

I look up to the clock, almost at the end of the first period of my double period of Ap chem(a period is 40 mins so about an hour of time left for this class). 'Welp I'm bored and I did finish the lab work early so I guess I'll start reading the web novel'.

And so I start reading, One chapter turns to two then three and then a few more. I look at the time once more 5 minutes until the end.

I do a quick look around, almost all of the class has finished their work by now only a small group of idiots are still playing around in the back. I look more closely 'They've been playing with that valve in the back for a while now, doesn't that have something to do with gas?'.

The teacher at this point, Mr Faust or something go's over to the group and looks around suspiciously "Were you kids messing with gas vale?" He asks still looking at the group.

"No" they reply in muttered voices. Now my readers you may be wondering "Whats the worst that could happen from something in a school lab? Isn't everything supposed to be safe?".

The answer to that is——A bang goes off and my vision turns white. I can't see or feel anything, there is only a ringing in my ears.

'What just happened?' My senses slowly return and I find myself looking at a charred hellscape.

Burnt desks and students lay about and I can hear screaming from the hallway. I try and bring my hand forward only to see a disfigured black shape move in front of me.

'That's my hand' I think idly. I move what remains of my hand back and forth in my vision. 'I feel like I should be in pain? Maybe it's the shock or the adrenaline'.

I look towards the window blankly as my mind slowly catches up with what has been happening around me.

Gas, teacher, sound, light, ringing, smoke, screaming, hand, blue sky.

Everything goes black.......

A light, a wet feeling, distant sounds. I want to go back to sleep so I squirm randomly.

The light grows larger

A voice

"Congratulations! It's a girl!"

Huh could have sworn I was a boy.

Wait what, a girl. Me?

I replay the last few moments in my head again. My thought process finishes and only one thing comes to mind.

What the fu———-


Hello my fellow internet browsers. I am Murp and I have come to waste my time and your time on this (probably) wonderful day. This technically is my first fic, I have written other stories and have had other ideas but I have never put them online before. English IS my first language so feel free to bash me over every misspelling.

I do hope you enjoy this story because I certainly won't

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