Chapter 34

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Kai is a spy. We all know this. His job is to help cause chaos in the academy before the attack to break the people's spirits.

With morale on the low end they should be able to sweep through the rest of the continent easy peasy.

It's basic war strategy.

With a little bit of manipulation of my good buddy Curtis I led Kai's thoughts to where I wanted them.

He's here to sabotage us and what better way then taking a powerhouse in the making.

I'm considered one of the strongest in the school and have great potential to grow even more.

With Curtis comment in the DC meeting I made Kai think he came up with a good plan.

To take me out early or turn me like Lucas.

He will thinks it's his idea making him more willing to suggest it to his higher ups.

If he want to kill me then patrolling together would be the perfect opportunity to strike. And if he wants to turn me to alacrya then us being alone at night would be the perfect place to do it.

With one random side comment Kai will now think that patrolling with me is a great option for him.


(3rd person pov)

Two human students with paint decided to put up less acceptable messages on some of the school walls.

As they were finishing up their work a third figure appeared behind them.

"Looks fun can I join?"

The two students panic because Arthur of the DC had just appeared.

The male student began running away while the female student tried to attack our young hero.

It of course failed because Arthur's hands are rated E for everyone, even girls.

After a quick clean up with the trouble makes being brought to the administrative office Arthur begins his patrol again.

He nears the end of his patrol area when he feels a foreign presence.

Quickly finding a hidden spot to observe from he takes notice of something about this new figure.

He can see Red marks on their back.

He changes position to a nearby roof to better tail this cloaked person.

"Hey Arthur!"

A new voice breaks the silence alerting both the cloaked figure and Arthur to this new presence.

Arthur turns around to shush the newcomers and is met with Michelle and Kai.

"Hey Buddy what you doing!"

Arthur turns back to try and find the cloaked man only to find that they disappeared

He curses then returns his attention back towards his fellow DC members.

"What are you doing here, Arthur? This is our-".


The group continues to discuss what just happened before the knifes on their uniforms light up.

"Theo activated his dagger!"

Kai is the first to voice what is happening conveniently allowing anyone who hasn't hours watching all the DC meetings to understand the situation.

"You two go help him! I'm the best sensor here so I'll track the suspicious person" Michelle responded.

"But-!" Kai try's to say something before being cut off by Arthur

"She's right let's go!"

As the two DC members roof hop away a very wide grin comes over Michelle's face.

"It's time for a hunt!"

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