Chapter 9 - The world still spins even if you dont want it

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Dark Orange level core at age 12 ain't bad if I do say so myself, well I only turned 12 recently and I was orange before that buts it's easier to say it the other way.

My trainers are also very impressed with my progress over the last few years.

Still only Fire and wind but as I said before 2 out of 4 ain't bad. Or is it 2 out of 8? 2 out of 10 if I count the unique magic of the dwarfs and elves.

My relationship with the Glayder family hasn't improved much over the years.

I still talk to them from time to time, and spar with Curtis every now and then but nothing much has changed away from cannon.

Curtis is a friend? Acquaintance? Training buddy? I don't really know.

Blaine is still a cunt and basically summons me every few months to make sure I'm subservient.

Haven't interacted with Priscilla, she come around every now and then to give tips about conjuring. She's kinda like a distant aunt that you see like once or twice a year. And she always has this look in her eye when we talk, like she knows something I don't.

Kathyln.... exists.

I don't know what else to say. She never talks to me when we are in the same room or in the library getting books.

I tried to get her to talk to me by bringing tea to her but we ended up just staring at each other for over an hour.

The tea I made was nice.

Ooooh yeah I know how to make tea now. Since I'm being groomed to serve the royal family in every way possible(Blaine had an greedy look in his eye when he said that to me)
I ended up having to take a bunch of etiquette classes. Plus a bunch of lessons from the servants on how to best well serve.

Basically if Curtis or Kathyln have a problem in the future I'm to take care of it. May it be an enemy or sore feet in need of a massage.

I mean I'm probably just going to go AWOL at the first chance given but hey these are nice skills to learn.

And now switching from nice things to less than nice things.

Sebastian still exists sadly. Whenever he see me he gets angry. Me thinks he jealous of my beauty.

Or being a magical prodigy that will surpass him before I even turn 20.

I still think it's my looks.

And damm do I look nice.

That's the one nice part of being a boy in a girls body. I know what the boys want and I fit somewhere on the upper end of that scale.

Besides being twelve that is, but with how fucked up humans are I bet that's a positive for someone.

My sunset colored hair has grown long and with a bit of help from the castles maids I learned how to put it into a bun.

Luckily(or unluckily from another point of view) it looks like my....chest....won't grow too big.

That's good in my opinion less weight and all that.

God it's going to be horrible when my puberty hits.

"Miss Michelle the king has summoned you!"

Talking about horrible things.

Me wonders what dunderhead wants.

My footsteps echo through the mostly empty halls as I walk towards the Kings office.

'Do they really need All this space? It could save so much money on maintenance if the palace was smaller or just less grand'

I wave to a few maids and other servants as I pass.

I finally reach the doors and the guard posted outside try's to pretend he wasn't just sleeping.

"His majesty has called for me"

"Let her in!" Is heard from the other side of the door.

The knight still blinking out a bit of sleep does as commanded and let's me enter.

The king stands from his desk as I make my way to the center of the room.

I kneel as he approaches. "Michelle the trainers report that you have made excellent progress across the board"

"Thank you, your majesty" just stay the humble servant and he won't kick me out.

"As promised I shall allow you to be an escort to the royal heirs from now on"

"It is an honor your majesty" I didn't actually expect for him to follow up on that.

"And while you were training some of my advisers said it would be unwise to have a mere peasant girl protect the prince and princess"

Perfectly reasonable.

"So from now on I declare you and all of your Descendants to be of noble blood, so that you may serve the Glayder family for generations!"




I expected many things but this was not one of them?!?!

I try to voice my opinion to get me out of this problem

"But your grace I don't even have a last name to take up as a family name"

"Then make one up!"

He looks so proud of himself for his answer...

Ugh fine.

Let me thinkty dinkty

I could go for my old last name, but know I want to separate these lives as much as possible.

I am to serve the royal family as a protector, a guardian, a...

"Your majesty may I take up the name Custodies?"

"Custodies? Mh that sound nice. Yes from now on you are Michelle Custodies! May you and your family serve and benefit this kingdom for years to come!!"

Yay I'm so happy that I'm stuck serving you assholes. Ughhhhhh I can't wait to go AWOL.

Also thank god for Latin not existing in this world of else I might have been forced to think of some horrible last name.

"Now for your introduction into noble society you shall help escort my family to the tenth anniversary of the Helista action house"

God dammit


Woopity woop another chapter done and it's just short of 1000 words

I question for my few readers, what direction do you think I will take In this book?

Come one come all and make your predictions on whatever wacky shit I have cooked up

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