Chapter 22 - Time

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I'm doing the one thing I never wanted to do again.

I'm going through school again. Or at least nearing its end

Time gas passed since I last been able to think like this.

It's the end of my fifth year at Xyrus academy, and you know what that means. It's time for Arthur to nearly die again.

The dire tombs are coming up and I'm not sure if I should interfere or not.

From what I read of the original story all the Dire tombs cost was a few random side characters. But it gave a S-Class beast core allowed Arthur to gain a friend in Elijah.

I can only see benefits from letting it run its course.

But maybe I could watch just in case. I might have done some wacky shit that changed something so might as well be safe.

Arthur as the main character is my best bet for surviving this mess. I just need to get strong enough to survive anything he leaves in his wake.

Well I won't know what the future holds until I experience it myself.


Ok based on the starting date of Xyrus Academy for reference. Got to take out the time spent resting during the summer plus the day recovering from the dungeon I think the raid team should be forming around this time.

Lucky for me that The Dire tombs is a mapped dungeon so I don't have to look for it too hard. Now just to camp outside until Arthur appears

                              —little skip—

Ah here they are!

No wait. That's the original scouting party lead by the stupid guy that doesn't deserve his rank

Ugh this means I have to wait a few more days!!



Ok NOW they are here!

I don't really remember anyone else's name but a can make out Lucas, Elijah, Arthur and Jasmine.

Oooo sounds like they are doing introductions. Their were 9 total members, the four people we already know them five randoms. Reginald, Kriol, Oliver, Samantha, and finally Brald the useless leader.

A strong team on paper but very unorganized when in the field. A team that ends up mostly dead.

Not that I plan to change that but still I need something to think of or else I go insane.

I lower my mana output as much as possible and follow them into the cave.

And then they encounter their first challenge. The bat runners. They get in formation and deal with them quickly. The Lucas wastes his magic on a big fire spell.

I sigh.

How uncreative.

They push through with kroil taking up the back to hold off the undead monsters.

They make it through the camber then it's my time to shine.

I conjuror up a ball of plasma in the center of the room.

'Cinder Sphere'

All the undead beasts become ash.

Yep no reviving from that.

I look forwards to see that the way was blocked by stone. I redirect my sphere towards the wall and melt a hole through it.

'Welp time to catch up'

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