Chapter 24 - After ash

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(Arthur pov)

Me and Elijah were finally making our way out of this forsaken dungeon when we stumbled upon something grizzly.

"I-Is that Lucas!?" Elijah stuttered.

In front of us lay a charred body with all of its limbs removed. The only way we were able to recognize that it was Lucas was the staff embedded into where his heart should be.

'Papa! There is a scent here! It's pretty old but it's there'

'Thanks Slyv'

Who could have done this? It was not any of the party members, they are all either dead or back in the boss room resting.

Was it a third party? If it was why did they kill Lucas and only Lucas? We were all pretty weak earlier but they didn't attack us.

Could this be the work of the horned demons?

No, no, no stop speculating. I have to get back to my family.

-one day later-

(Michelle pov)

*Happy humming*

"Hey welcome back Michelle! You seem happy did something good happen on your trip?"

"Nah nothing big Curtis! I just had some fun playing with an insect!"


Finding motivation is a bitch and a half

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