Chapter 15 - They are in the tree's!

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I still don't know why I just randomly expect to run into Arthur.

I've been Adventuring for a month now and have not seen or heard of Arthur once.

Maybe it's just weird expectations that I have after being reincarnated into this world.

Adventuring has been going good. I haven't gone too deep into any dungeons, been mostly skimming the starts or just picking off the occasional beast that's on the surface.

It's been working. Kinda. Just trying to get used to living in the wild for an extended period of time, and getting some basic experience fighting mana beasts.

Nothing too hard. Just some D's and C's with the occasional B-class beast appearing.

Not causing any world changing events, just me getting some real life experi——

What was that?

I sense something. Pretty close maybe 20 meters. Trying to sneak up on me.

Mhhhmmm this dense forest won't be easy to fight in if the beast is smart enough to try and sneak up on me.

Luckily I have a solution.

Blast fire indiscriminately in all directions!

Then blow away the charred remains with a large push of wind magic.

And boom 30m of cleared area.

The beast jumps at me while the dust is still settling.

I can see it clearly now. 

A Shadow Panther. A-Class mana beast.

'Isn't this the beast will virion had?'

The panther lunges again

'Yep no time to think!'

I counter with wind blades, they only Nick the beast.

We go back and forth for a minute. Bites and swipes being exchanged with Fireballs and Winds blades.

We seem to be in a stalemate. I can't hit him and he can't come near me with getting hit.

'I need to limit his movements but how?'

I try aiming for his legs with more blades but he still dodges.

Blades of fire form behind the panther but he evades without looking.

'Ranged attacks aren't working. Melee it is then!'

The Glaive blade reforms at the tip of my staff as I rush the panther with a thrust to the head.

It sidesteps and comes at me from the side with it claws.

"Argh!" The beast scratches my arm.

A quick look show nothing vital had been hit but I'm still losing blood.

"Ok fine! Let's do this head on!"

Walls of fire form on either side of us. Trapping us in a hallway of flame.

The Shadow Panther Growls at me. I hiss back.

Stillness for a few seconds then a burst of movement, then stillness once more.

Me and the panther have traded places, now facing away from each other.

"Ugh!" Blood starts coming from my hip.

I turn towards the Beast just in time to see its head fall off.

'Haha! Just like in anime!'

The walls of flame lower to show the outside world once more.

'This hurts like a bitch'

I get to my feet and observe the area.

......... there's another panther....


In a burst of rage I accidentally shoot a very large bolt of lightning towards the beast.

It turns to ash.

'Aw shit that used all my remaining mana, god I hope there isn't a third one'

I black out


Chocolate milk makes the pain go away.

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