Chapter 6 - Totally not just filler

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(Curtis POV)

The new girl father brought in is..... weird.

Father said that she might be around a lot and to try and not antagonize her because she might help us in the future.

She always seems to be practicing whenever I see her around the castle.

And when she's not practicing she seems to be with tutor's who are teaching her all kinds of things even I don't understand.

I'm older than her but she is learning all this fancy stuff that mother says is too hard for me.

Mother is very kind to the girl, always treats her nicely with little things. A few coins there a couple of extra snack there.

I tried following her around to see what she does besides working but she always seems to know where I am.

One time my mom found me watching her train and got this weird glint in her eye.

"And what may you be doing Curtis"

"EEP! Ah nothing mother just passing by ha ha..."

"That's not what it looks like for me. Have you taken an interest in Michelle?"

"Who's Michelle?"

She stares at me blankly for a few seconds and then starts to giggle "You have been following that girl around for a few weeks now and never bothered to learn her name?" She looks at me with a raised eyebrow

I flush red. "She's a commoner and I'm a prince why should I remember her name, if she's so important why didn't she introduce her self to me"

Mother continues to stare at me deadpan

"She did"

"Huh? When?"

"When she first came to the castle she greeted your father Blaine and had dinner with us, do you not remember?"

I did not

"I must of thought that she was just another noble trying to butter us up for something"

Mother looks at me with a sort of sad smile

"Well Michelle is not a noble and will be serving the crown soon so why not make a friend, if you can keep her on your side she'll be a powerful ally in the future"

I think for a few moments.

A friend.......

A friend would be nice.


Ya know I never truly understood why chapters for other fics always took so long to be posted but now that I'm writing these chapters I think I'm starting to understand

Mwahahahaha my great scheme is starting

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